California Dreaming is a hilarious comedy that follows a group of friends who are stuck in an RV, unable to leave town despite being packed and ready to go. Directed and written by Linda Voorhees, this 2007 film stars Lea Thompson, Dave Foley, and Patricia Richardson.
The film captures the chaos and misadventures that ensue as the friends try to navigate their way out of their predicament. With each character bringing their own unique personality to the mix, the group must work together to overcome the obstacles that keep them from their dream destination.
Lea Thompson delivers a standout performance as the determined and resourceful leader of the group, while Dave Foley adds his signature comedic talents to the mix. Patricia Richardson rounds out the cast with her sharp wit and comedic timing.
California Dreaming is a must-watch for anyone in need of a good laugh, with its quirky characters and entertaining storyline keeping audiences engaged from start to finish. Overall, this film is a hilarious and feel-good comedy that will leave viewers dreaming of their own California adventure.
Watch the video by Cinéfilm
Video “California Dreaming (Comedy) Full Length Movie” was uploaded on 01/13/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéfilm
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lots of blasphemery, it is written that blasphemery against God then your destiny is HELL😢
Rien à voir avec la comédie française…Trop d'excès tue littéralement le côté comique de ce film qui aurait pu bien tirer son épingle mais ça devient de plus en plus lourd dans les dialogues….Je passe ,j'en ai assez vu 🙂
je passe. Regarder sans moi
Βάλε και καμιά ταινία με ελληνικούς υπότιτλους ευχαριστώ πολύ
Non mi piace…m'innervosisce