Prime Minister Mark Carney is gearing up to make a significant move in Canadian politics this weekend, as he is expected to call for a federal election on April 28. Sources have revealed that Carney will ask Governor General Mary Simon to dissolve Parliament on Sunday, setting the stage for the country’s 45th election. Global News correspondent Mercedes Stephenson is on the ground in Ottawa as the campaign is set to begin.
Meanwhile, across the border in the United States, President Donald Trump is making bold moves against his critics and political opponents. Trump recently revoked the security clearance of several former White House officials, including former vice president Kamala Harris, adding to his controversial actions. Correspondent Reggie Cecchini reports on the latest developments in U.S. politics.
In the world of sports, the passing of boxing legend George Foreman has left a void in the sporting community. Foreman, who achieved great success in the ring both in his youth and later in life, passed away at the age of 78. Remembered for his remarkable boxing career and successful transition into the business world, Foreman’s legacy will live on. Reporter Candice Cole reflects on the life and achievements of the iconic athlete.
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Video “Global National: March 22, 2025 | Carney expected to call Canadian election for April 28” was uploaded on 03/23/2025 to Youtube Channel Global News
Please Canadians remember that Mark carney is a cousin of Justin Trudeau, Margaret Kempton, his mother is married to Carney Uncle! Carneys mother is a sister in law to Justin mother, making Trudeau and Carney grew up together as family!
Vote Pierre!~ He's against the Century Initiative which aims to radically get Canada's population 100 million
Mark Wiseman the founder of Century Initiative joined Carney's team
Finally! We need an election but not because of trump we need an election because of what the liberals have done.
Carney held Justins hand and as he ran Canada in the ground and now Carney is the saviour of Canada , the devil in disguise and Someone set the record straight about Carney stolen valour taking all the credit for saving Canada in 2008 , he was not the brains behind the strategy,he was a gofer . More Carney lies . He talks a big game just like Justin , lots of promises that none got fulfilled in 10 years .This Carney is a very deceptive deceitful self serving ideology that lies to Canadians to get votes and then he will say to his buddy Justin “ hold my beer buddy I will show you how to put these Canadians in their place “ Carney is compromised with Trump because Carney has moved his business to the US and now trump has him by the balls and Carney will save himself and offer up Canada!
The legacy media will win this election for Carney. They were paid 1.3 billion dollars to do so!
What a joke report by the liberal-funded bias media.
Who cares about the trade war. We need real change within our country with someone who works FOR THE PEOPLE. we need to prosper again. Lower taxes. Create jobs. Build homes.
Carney would do the complete opposite. He just wants more control over Canadians so he can take more of our hard-earned money.
Someone tell me what liberal and ndp have achieved in the past 9 yrs aside from legalizing drugs and marijuana.
Vote Barbara Bal MBA Nepean real Canadian
We need a new NDP Leader.
Lol, you Liberal Lovers keep getting fooled.
I hope that people don't fall for Trump's plan to suddenly want a Liberal govt which he would prefer to deal with. Why would that be … because a Lib will be easy for Trump to stomp on!!!
Learn from the past disaster. VOTE for PIERRE POILIEVRE🇨🇦
Cbc propaganda for the liberals. Purchased media. Can't even watch the news anymore without seeing the corruption even in what's supposed to be truth…Just like government. It's time for a big change.
Just can't vote Liberal after seeing all the decline of the last 9 years. Our dollar is at the lowest its been in over 20 years…
VOTE for a self sufficient , independent, strong Canada. Vote for a commonsense sane party, Vote Conservative. Vote for Pierre Poilievre.
Liberal policies have made Canada look weak to Trump. Liberals are clueless look at the last 9 years. Same Old. Same MPS. Same Advisers. Same Consultants. Same ideologies, same policies. It will only get worst with the Liberals.
I hope that Cringe bullsh&t definitively costs Pollievre the election
Remember to vote Liberal! Conservatives are planning to hand Canada over to the United States as the 51st state! Lets not make that happen! Vote for Canada!
Look at the LAST 9 YEARS!!! Anyone that votes for Carney/ liberals is wanting another 9 more years of a dying Canada
May God help us if Carney gets in… 😢
Canada is already sold by liberals to foreign workers. lol
Carney is Catherine Wynne 2.0. Another win and Canada's decline will continue…and may not survive Trump.
Carney has already implemented and proposed more beneficial legislation to help Canada's blue collar middle class. PP aka maga north, cuddling with firefighters hoping to look like a "man's man". Trudeau didn't leave this mess, Trump brought it. Elbows up.
What is wrong with Canadians ? Have you all forgotten the last 10 years of this pathetic liberal regime and all its Scandals? We scandal,SNC Lavalan , Freedom Fighters Movement when this pathetic party froze bank accounts , stomped freedom of speech, raised taxes, crippled people’s livelihoods, destroyed our economy the list is to great to list ! Now you think an Elitist WEF supporter is going to get us a better deal he was a big part of Canada’s destruction for the last 5 years he schooled the pathetic Drama Teacher Trudeau have Canadians forgotten all this devastation? It’s embarrassing to say the least that we are our own worst enemy we see the real enemy yet we run to them for refuge !
Am I the only one that thinks PPC seems to have the most underrated views? Why suppress?
Ontario quebec pay more taxes if you vote lineral you vote for carney is avote for frump all trucks will be gone to emissions
Call it! Please
clown show carney
Watch out for pierre pollievre the less than mature way hes bashing the liberals plus he was bribed by elon musk for a large sum of money be careful people mark carney led us threw a big recession hes made it clear he has the countries best interest at heart
vote for seperation or 51st state
Carney can handle better
My family will give all our 3 votes to CP.
don't trust con man Carney, instead of a carbon taxes you will get a shadow carbon taxes, those are the words out of his mouth
9 years of horrific liberal leadership. Carney is just more bad news.
Voting🗳️ Conservative all the way. PP for the win🏆 🇨🇦
Mark Carney's smile is very disturbing.
Tired of ppl blaming trump for Canada being a disappointing country , liberals sunk it
We have more problems then Trump. I hope Canadian don’t forget Mark Carney was Trudeau advisor he had a hand in the problems we have now.
Elon Musk donated to the conservative party
The US is now listed on the Human Rights watch list ! Fascism no hunan rights for its people, mark of terrorist, Social security cuts in the works, marshall law coming soon( Insurrection against the people) no i am not moving there at all as an Albertan do your research , save yourself from having no rights. Go google " the Human Rights Watch list " research is that where PP and DS are trying to take you? Research google it
Trump lied he loves the conservatives and Elon Musk donated millions to the pc party
Stand with Pierre!
Pierre Polievre is not reliable. his whole campaign is based on slogans with no real plan. all he has to offer is slander! Carney might be a slime ball but during this month he will show us if he is worthy of being our prime minister or not.