Charles Lachman, Executive Producer of Inside Edition, Talks About His New Book on ‘CBS Mornings’ – Video

Charles Lachman, Executive Producer of Inside Edition, Talks About His New Book on ‘CBS Mornings’ – Video

In his new book, “Codename Nemo: The Hunt for a Nazi U-Boat and the Elusive Enigma Machine,” Charles Lachman delves into the thrilling true story of U.S. Navy Captain Daniel Gallery and his team’s capture of a Nazi submarine just days before the historic D-Day invasion. This daring operation not only resulted in the capture of a crucial piece of intelligence – the Enigma machine – but also changed the course of World War II.

As the executive producer of “Inside Edition,” Lachman brings his expertise in storytelling to this riveting tale of bravery and ingenuity during a time of great peril. In his appearance on “CBS Mornings,” he discusses the impact of Operation Nemo and the importance of recognizing the heroic efforts of those who fought to secure victory against the forces of tyranny.

Join Charles Lachman as he shares the incredible journey of Captain Gallery and his team in “Codename Nemo,” a must-read for history enthusiasts and anyone interested in the untold stories of World War II. Discover the untold secrets of this pivotal moment in history and be inspired by the courage and determination of those who risked it all for freedom.

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Video “Watch Inside Edition Executive Producer Charles Lachman Discuss His New Book on ‘CBS Mornings'” was uploaded on 06/11/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition