In a hilarious video captured in Vermont, a bear was caught lounging on a homeowner’s hammock while another bear observed from a safe distance. The homeowner, Noah Dweck, managed to film the unexpected visitors before scaring them off to ensure their safety and his own. “You do want to tell them to go away,” Dweck explained.
The footage shows the bear lounging comfortably on the hammock, seemingly enjoying the peaceful surroundings. Dweck marveled at the bear’s balancing skills, noting, “To be honest, it was pretty impressive that he didn’t fall off or she didn’t fall off of the hammock.”
While the bears may have provided a moment of amusement, it’s important to remember that wild animals should be kept at a safe distance from homes and populated areas. This lighthearted video serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting wildlife and their natural habitats.
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Video “Bear Gets Off Homeowner’s Hammock After Being Cheekily Scolded” was uploaded on 06/14/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition