Close Call: Delta Plane Narrowly Dodges Mid-Air Collision With Jet – Video

Close Call: Delta Plane Narrowly Dodges Mid-Air Collision With Jet – Video

The video titled “Delta Plane Narrowly Avoids Mid-Air Collision With Jet” captures a heart-stopping moment as a Delta plane taking off from Syracuse, New York, comes dangerously close to an American Eagle jet that had taken off first. The two aircrafts were only between 700 and 1,000 feet from each other, highlighting the potentially catastrophic consequences of a mid-air collision.

The Federal Aviation Administration revealed that an air traffic controller instructed the American Eagle flight to go around at Syracuse Hancock International Airport in order to keep it safely separated from the departing aircraft. The dramatic footage captured by a police dash camera serves as a stark reminder of the crucial role air traffic controllers play in ensuring the safety of all air travelers.

This near tragedy in the sky serves as a powerful reminder of just how quickly a routine flight can turn into a potentially disastrous situation. It also underscores the importance of the stringent safety protocols and procedures that are in place to prevent such incidents from occurring. The video is a chilling reminder of the potential dangers of air travel, and the need for vigilance and caution at all times.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Delta Plane Narrowly Avoids Mid-Air Collision With Jet” was uploaded on 07/09/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition