Colombian President Petro signs legislation prohibiting bullfighting • FRANCE 24 English

Colombian President Petro signs legislation prohibiting bullfighting • FRANCE 24 English

Colombian President Gustavo Petro has made history by signing a law that bans bullfighting in the country, putting an end to a practice that was long considered a tradition. The decision was cheered by animal rights activists and supporters of the ban who gathered at the renamed Santamaria Cultural Square in Bogota, formerly a bullring.

Petro expressed his joy at eliminating the “right to kill” animals for entertainment, marking a significant shift in Colombian culture. The move comes after years of campaigning from activists who have long argued that bullfighting is a cruel and outdated practice that has no place in modern society.

The ban on bullfighting in Colombia is a major victory for animal welfare and a step towards a more compassionate society. With this decision, the country joins a growing list of nations that have prohibited the controversial and often gruesome spectacle. Animal rights advocates around the world are celebrating this milestone and hoping that more countries will follow Colombia’s lead in ending the cruel tradition of bullfighting.

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Video “Colombia President Petro signs law banning bullfighting • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 07/23/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English