Democrats Dividing from Biden: Impossible to Recreate Image of Fitness for Office

Democrats Dividing from Biden: Impossible to Recreate Image of Fitness for Office

In a shocking revelation, high-level leaks to Politico have unveiled that President Biden’s top staffers have been keeping vital information from him during his regular briefings to avoid triggering his notorious rages. This latest development adds to the growing concerns about Biden’s compromised mental state, leading some Democrats to question his fitness for office.

The New York Post Editorial Page Editor, Mark Cunningham, shares this concerning story, emphasizing the lengths to which Biden’s team has gone to shield him from the outside world. Not only are they hiding him from public scrutiny, but they are also shielding him from crucial information that could affect his decision-making abilities.

As the Biden team ramps up damage control efforts, these revelations only serve to deepen the doubts surrounding his leadership capabilities. With Democrats beginning to split from Biden and questioning his ability to fulfill his duties as President, it seems there is no way to restore the illusion of his fitness for office.

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Video “Democrats begin to split from Biden: no way to restore illusion he is fit for office” was uploaded on 07/04/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post