Disruptive Hellcat Driver Keeps Seattle Residents Awake with Noise – Video

Disruptive Hellcat Driver Keeps Seattle Residents Awake with Noise – Video

Seattle residents are losing sleep over the relentless roar of a noisy Hellcat muscle car that has been tearing through the streets late at night. The culprit behind the wheel, Miles Hudson, has been causing a stir in the community with his disruptive and ear-splitting joyrides.

After receiving numerous complaints, city authorities in Seattle are taking action against Hudson to ensure that he complies with noise regulations. The city is threatening Hudson with steep penalties that could total thousands of dollars if he fails to quiet down his loud vehicle.

Residents are fed up with the disruptive noise that is disturbing their peace and quiet, and they are hopeful that the authorities will put an end to Hudson’s reckless behavior. Inside Edition’s Lisa Guerrero investigates the story further, shedding light on the troubling situation that has left residents sleepless in Seattle.

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Video “Noisy Hellcat Driver Leaves Residents Sleepless in Seattle” was uploaded on 06/04/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition