In the midst of the devastating Los Angeles wildfires, actor Bob Odenkirk has stepped up to lend a helping hand to those most vulnerable during this crisis. In an exclusive video interview with Entertainment Tonight’s Kevin Frazier, Odenkirk discusses his involvement with Best Friends Animal Society’s emergency rescue flight, which is aimed at relocating dogs and cats from overcrowded shelters to safety.
At the Hollywood Burbank Airport, Odenkirk is seen alongside ‘Captain America: Brave New World’ star Rosa Salazar, assisting workers as they load animals onto a plane destined for an out-of-state shelter. The video captures the heartfelt moments as Odenkirk and Salazar work tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of these animals, who have been affected by the ongoing wildfires in the Los Angeles area.
Odenkirk’s dedication to this cause is truly admirable, as he uses his platform and resources to make a difference in the lives of these innocent animals. His compassion and selflessness shine through in this exclusive footage, showcasing the importance of community support and coming together in times of crisis.
As the wildfires continue to rage on, Odenkirk’s involvement in this rescue mission serves as a reminder of the power of kindness and unity. Through his actions, he is not only bringing attention to the plight of these animals but also inspiring others to take action and make a difference in their own communities. It is moments like these that remind us of the importance of coming together to support those in need, and Odenkirk’s dedication to this cause is a true testament to his character and generosity.
Watch the video by Entertainment Tonight
Video “LA Fires: Bob Odenkirk Volunteers at Dog and Cat Rescue Flight (Exclusive)” was uploaded on 01/16/2025 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
Our pets are all chipped out of an abundance of caution.
I love this man!
Please adopt if u can❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for the volunteers ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you tothe pilot ❤❤❤❤❤
Wow ❤
Thank you Entertainment Tonight and Bob Odenkirk! We're so grateful for your support.
No one should buy from a greeder, adopt, don't shop ❤
Bob Odenkirk rocks!
i hope they rescue small animals too
Every shelter is overwhelmed with dogs and cats all over the states,thank you to all the volunteers working so hard for these precious pups.
Bob is such an amazing guy with a kind, beautiful soul. Thank you for sharing this. I want all the good pups (and Bob as well)
I think what Bob O meant to say is ADOPT, DON'T SHOP ❤❤❤ Here's what I want to say: GOD spelled backwards….is DOG.
Thats what i love about US,they truly care towards animals especially dogs and cats♥️🙏unlike here in the Philippines 😔.So God Bless America!🙏
I really want to help in the shelters with animals but I feel like they're overwhelmed with help just like everywhere else.
Should be fostering, not adopting!! Someone out there is looking for their pet!! Unless they come from a shelter that got burned out.
Black advocat 59
This is such a heartwarming and important effort by Bob Odenkirk and the organizations involved in rescuing animals during this devastating time. The fact that animals are being transported to safety and given a chance to find new homes is truly inspiring. It’s a reminder of how much love and care animals can offer in our lives, and how crucial it is to step up and help when they are the most vulnerable. Odenkirk's personal connection to rescue pets makes the message even more meaningful. Kudos to all those working tirelessly to ensure these animals find safety and a loving family.
Trump don't give a Damm about what's happening in LA everything about himself and politics also hate
America is extremely divided right now but I know they all want to help all these animals.
Better Call Saul!!!
Odenkirk with his dog, that’s cute, stay safe now.
Chip your animals. More chance to get your dog/cat back.
Thank you so much for rescueing innocent animals.🙏 Your such a kind hearted man May God Bless You Always 🙏🙏🙏