Expert claims Prince Harry & Meghan cannot repeat same mistakes – it’s madness

Expert claims Prince Harry & Meghan cannot repeat same mistakes – it’s madness

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have once again come under scrutiny for their public mistakes, with PR expert Mark Borkowski calling their actions “lunacy.” The royal couple has faced backlash for their repeated blunders, with Borkowski warning that they cannot afford to make the same mistakes over and over again.

Despite their attempts to redefine their public image and step away from their royal duties, Harry and Meghan have faced criticism for their actions, including their decision to speak out on controversial issues and their choice of public appearances. Borkowski has pointed out that the couple needs to be more careful in how they navigate their public image to avoid further damaging their reputation.

It’s not the first time that Harry and Meghan have faced criticism for their actions, with the media closely scrutinizing their every move. Borkowski’s criticism serves as a stark reminder to the couple that they need to take a more strategic approach to their public relations if they want to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

As Harry and Meghan continue to navigate their new life outside of the royal family, it remains to be seen whether they will take Borkowski’s advice on board and make the necessary changes to avoid repeating their errors. Only time will tell if the couple can successfully rebuild their public image and cement their place in the public eye as they move forward with their future endeavors.

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Video “Prince Harry & Meghan can’t make the same mistakes again & again – it’s lunacy, claims expert” was uploaded on 09/25/2024 to Youtube Channel The Sun