Exploring Historic Green Book Locations in Full Episode | African American Travel Across the U.S. – Video

Exploring Historic Green Book Locations in Full Episode | African American Travel Across the U.S. – Video

In this full episode of Black Travel Across America, travel consultant Martinique Lewis takes viewers on a journey to historically listed Green Book locations and modern black travel destinations. The Green Book was a travel guide that helped African-American travelers find safe and welcoming places to eat, stay, and visit during the Jim Crow era. Lewis retraces the roots of black travel in America, exploring the places that connected and strengthened the black community, as well as the iconic cities that shaped black culture. She starts her cross-country trip in New York City, visiting places like the Harlem YMCA and interviewing renowned author and scholar Dr. Gretchen Sorin about the impact of the Green Book on African-American travel. Lewis also discusses the significance of the automobile in providing African-American families with the independence and freedom to travel without the humiliation of segregation on trains and buses. Throughout the episode, viewers will gain a deeper understanding of the history of black travel in America and the significant contributions and challenges faced by African-Americans during these journeys. This episode is a must-watch for those interested in learning about the impact of the Green Book and the resilience of black travelers in the United States.

Watch the video by National Geographic

I’m Martinique Lewis diversity and travel consults and travel content creator and black travel Enthusiast as the saying goes you don’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been so where have we been well all over but the story of how black people travel in America runs

Deep that’s why I’m so excited to take you with me on a trip to someone of the most historic and iconic cities that shaped Black Culture as we know it these are the spaces and places that connected and strengthen the black community the places that supported some

Of the biggest names and icons of those times carry your greenbook with you you may need it was the motto the Negro motorist greenbook help keep African-Americans safe when traveling during the Jim Crow era that’s what told you about hotels restaurants barber shops and so many other things that you

Needed as an African-American when traveling from state to state so come along with me as I experience these green rots of travel across America travel today looks a lot different than it did 80 years ago and it probably looks most different for the black Trav in America our Mobility has been police since before the creation of automobiles so we are keenly aware that freedom of travel hasn’t come to us so

Freely but like most things in our lives we made a way out of nowhere and from the fight of the ancestors before us we are reaping the fruits of their labor today oh it wasn’t easy but it was necessary since the rise of the black travel movement African-Americans spend

$19.6 billion annually on travel that’s no chump change I want to retrace the roots of travel in this country to get a true feel of the history they left for us to discover and one thing about black Travelers during those times is baby they were going to dress from head to

Toe and that’s exactly what you’ll see me doing when traveling from place to place paying homage to Black designers everywhere I’m starting my cross country track in New York City and you can’t travel to NYC without coming to Harlem the place where it all started and the place where Victor and

Alma Green’s negro motorist greenbook was realized Victor Hugo green a poster worker used a grass Roots method to get his travel guide into circulation tapping his fellow mailman to help reach a broader public he also distributed VIA mail order black businesses and media campaigns with the help ofo gas station known as Exxon

Mobile today his partnership with ESO allowed him to distribute the greenbook at various gas stations making it front and center for a key audience talk about genius marketing A constant in the green book was the Harlem YMCA the heart of New York City and if the Y is the heart then the woman I’m about to meet is one of the vessels helping to keep its story alive Renown author and Scholar Dr Gretchen saurin long before I was born my parents had moved from North Carolina to New Jersey as part of the Great

Migration and every summer we traveled back to North Carolina to visit my grandmother and that really got me started when a colleague of mine handed me a green book and said have you ever seen this and I had never seen it even though I didn’t know anything about it

Um it seemed to be my own story it seemed to be about my own story and that’s how I wanted to figure out what this was about for African-Americans costing 25 cents the first edition of this 15-page travel guide focused on New York City businesses that welcomes African-American customers an

Ultramodern treasure Highway another great new advance in traveling the Nationwide Road Network state byst state this guide helped Travelers maneuver with dignity and less fear our parents didn’t talk about it they didn’t want to scare us they didn’t want us to really know how dangerous it was to go out on the

Road and so they didn’t talk about it but there were lots of things that were peculiar about the the travel that we did in the late 50s and the’ 60s we used to get up and we would drive at night um we would drive in the dark

And I found out that that’s what other families were doing you travel in the dark because it’s less light ly that you’re going to get stopped by the police they’re less likely to be able to see in the car and then we would always carry all

Of our food and you know we’d say we’d like to stop at a hotel or let’s stop at a restaurant no we’re going to carry our food in the car and we’re going to stop by the side of the road and eat those were things that African-Americans devised to keep themselves Safe black people wanted to travel just like other Americans they wanted to see the country they wanted to educate their children they wanted to see the national parks they wanted to see the sites I love how in your book you go through the importance of the automobile to the africanamerican family people

Didn’t necessarily want us on the trains with them and they didn’t want us on the bus with them the importance of the automobile is where our store starts if you had to take the segregated bus or you had to take the segregated train you would do everything you could

To keep away from that humiliation and it was humiliation right people would yell at you you had to sit in the back of the bus you had to sit on the dirty train car the Negro car you didn’t want to do that and you certainly didn’t want that for your children but

If you could get some money together and get an automobile Henry for ironically makes that possible right because of mass production automobiles are much less expensive and you can buy a car and you can take your family privately without humiliation um in your very own personal independent

Space and that made a huge difference for families a huge difference indeed and where did many of those families go just like today New York City in the 1920s the Harlem Renaissance took shape and attracted travelers from near and far rolling right up to the birthplace of the Negro motorist greenbook so

Harlem is really Victor greens and Elma greens base you know they are on Linux Avenue they’re right at the heart of Harlem right Harlem was originally a white community that becomes blacker and Blacker as African amans get get pushed further and further north and in the 1920s you have African-Americans from

All over the country artists writers moving to Harlem and you have this incredible flowering of Black Culture right you have clubs you have music you have art you have poetry right you have culture it’s really a mecca for black people I counted one time there were 144 sites

In the green book wow in New York Harlem today covers many city blocks and has over 60 blackowned businesses everything from restaurants and cafes to bars and unique shops once a predominantly Jewish and Italian burrow Harlem began to shift to a more black and Puerto Rican population

During the Great Migration of the early 20th century this was a time when African-Americans sought social and economic equality laying the foundation for future success the era known as the Harlem Renaissance was a golden age of African-American culture in the United States and today I’m walking down one of

The most iconic blocks where these black artists and literary Giants would meet hang out and cultivate the image The history of this block may be unknown to some but was palpable for Justine and Juliet Masters who fell in love with this location 9 years ago when we were about to sign the leas for the building we googled 580 St Nicholas and it showed herina Anderson

Andrews who worked as a librarian on 135th Street at the shamberg library and it showed her and her friends on the roof of the building like you know partying having a good time her friends are Langston Hughes wow soril Hurston de boy you know Charles Johnson

Like Heavy Hitters the cre circle of the Renaissance the Caribbean British Fusion restaurant The Edge opened its doors on the historic block 8 years ago and what a historic block it is so in June of 2021 the uh dorren Brook Square was given historical landmark Status Dorr Brook was a soldier one of the first black soldiers fighting in World War I I believe under his regiment was the Harlem Hell Fighters so his building that he lived in is two blocks down that way uh and it’s it’s welld deserved cuz all these buildings along Edgecomb Avenue are from

The era of the early harm Renaissance um so they definitely have that vibration so yeah it’s it’s it’s beautiful it’s All About The Vibes and with the rich history continuing to be written here every day the new Vibes are sure to arise Harlem is a mecca for African-American culture and experiences

And on this historic block Juliet and Justine Masters are making sure you can taste it so when people typically come into the edge what can they expect when they step foot here they can expect great service great food yeah and a good vibe we hear that often everyone’s like oh I

Like the vibe in here and then you know and our food is really good our food is very good I’m getting a little hungry can I go try some of the things on the menu absolutely let’s go I fed my soul with the rich history of this area and now my

Stomach with this bomb meal my taste buds are thoroughly Sav this in real life is delicious even though times change and history is often forgotten I’m happy to see places like the edge revive and pay homage to that history and build on its foundation food culture and lodging have

Always been Staples of the travel experience but if I was perusing these streets 80 years ago my hotel choices would have been limited would which brings me back to the YMCA so many people like Martin Luther King came through here what was the overall goal for the young men’s

Christian Association or how we all know it the YMCA the wise were there for physical and emotional and spiritual uplift and sadly they were they were colored wise and they were white wise so if you think about Travelers black Travelers they needed places to stay and even in New York there was segregation

You couldn’t stay at the hotels downtown and so the YMCA provided that haven that safe haven where you could find a room and a place to stay overnight and right now we’re sitting in the mural room that now serves as a room to help some of the kids who live in the

Local neighborhood but this mural is so important and can you talk about what the mural means and why it is important well Aaron Douglas is an incredibly important artist in the Harlem Renaissance and his mural represents aspects of African-American life and you can see the banjo an important instrument brought by slaves

To this country you can see enslaved people you can see dancing you can see music and you can see a slave cabin at the center it does need a little bit of conservation but it’s absolutely beautiful if not for Scholars like Dr Sauron or extraordinary figures like

Victor and Alma green all of this history could very well be a history Forgotten Victor green made a difference Alma green made a difference and children should know that they can make a difference too and that it’s their responsibility to continue to push this country forward and to change it better I hate to say goodbye to New York but my journey through the green book beckons when Victor and Alma created the green book in 1936 moving about our great country with ease was difficult for people who looked like me during this time restrictive laws known as the Jim Crow laws were

Enacted these laws were collection of state and local statutes that legalize racial segregation and though these laws are more commonly associated with the South a majority of the states of the Union enforce segregation either legally or by mob Rule so African American Travelers may have found Freedom with the automobile but that freedom needed to be carefully planned out because there was danger a danger known as Sundown towns Sundown towns meant black Travelers had to be out by Sundown these towns were deliberately designed to Encompass a majority white population intentionally excluding

African-American citizens and other people of color these were some of the scariest places for African-American Travelers and they didn’t always know if they were driving through a Sundown town or whether or not they were welcome at all this is part of the reason the green book was Created but as daunting as it was black Travelers were not deterred with the green book in hand they pressed on to visit loved ones seek opportunity and not least to enjoy Blissful Experiences traveling with my own green book in hand I’ve just arrived in a city known for its barbecue iconic Jazz scene and the place credited as the home of Negro League Baseball Kansas City Missouri Kansas City has a unique vibrancy and charm and it steeped in the history of people who look like

Me it’s the same history that was being written in the early 20th century that Drew people here then and has brought me back today and one of these are is that captures the Lush history is 18th and Vine a nationally recognized historic African-American District eventually morphing into a city

Within a city 18th and Vine became a landing spot for many African-American migrants during the Great Migration it was a place that African-Americans built from the ground up and called home and if there’s one thing that makes this place so special to me it’s the fact that in 1920 Kansas City gave birth

To the Negro Leagues when eight independent black baseball teams met in the P YMCA at a time when two things were on the rise baseball and segregation so I’m here at one of the most important places in American baseball history The Negro League Baseball Museum to talk to one of the

Most knowledgeable people you’ll ever meet Mr Bob Kendrick thank you so much for sitting down with me how did this Museum go from one room to this 10,000 square ft it really is an amazing story that in its own respect mimics the rise of the Negro leag the sound of a ball

Meeting a bat no one thought that the Negro Leagues would ever succeed it’s a sport that appeals to all ages to all groups and not only did it succeed it would operate for 40 years and and it literally changed the game and our country and here comes this little fing

Museum in 1990 known as The Negro Leagues baseball Museum born in a little tiny one room office right across the street from where we operate inside the Lincoln building where it was situated in that little one office had a conference room table and guys like the Museum’s founder Buck O’Neil and other

Local negro leagal who were still with us at that time yeah you know it’s sad to say that they all passed on yeah but they literally took turns paying the monthly rent y to keep that little office open and with it our hopes and dreams of one day building a facility

That would pay rightful tribute to not only one of the greatest chapters in baseball history but what now thousands of people from around the world learn one of the greatest chapters in American history I love that so the Negro motorist green book was created between

The 30s and the 60s around the same time as the Negro baseball leagues how important was it for them to be able to have a resource like that oh vitally important because you’re looking for safe havens sanctuaries that would offer you those basic services that you

Couldn’t get and then when you delve a little deeper into the story of the Negro Leagues we kind of learn that the Negro Leagues were such a tremendous Catalyst for those black businesses success those segregated mandated blackowned businesses which emerged to meet the needs that weren’t being fulfilled because we couldn’t patronize

Those white establishments and here was Negro Leagues baseball bringing those businesses a builtin clientele so while the circumstances were not ideal they had a resolve that ultimately helped create something that was so special something that was inherently Ours that same spirit is alive and healthy today all over the city blackowned spaces have a knack for preserving our past while nurturing the future so you brought her in case in point Ruby Jean Juicery which combines nutritious food with family roots and is named after the grandmother

Of founder and Kansas City native Chris good Ruby jeans it really started about 10 blocks or so that way okay uh my grandmother she was a really really pivotal person in my life the woman a few words but you know when black grandma speaks you listen you better

Listen my grandma came from Vian Oklahoma little bitty dot on the map you look too fast you’ll miss it um but she brought from VI in the Kansas City this love of Soulful cooking and the the part that really kind of Set It Off course

Was that soul food is not it’s not this lifestyle that you should live day in and day out and that’s the only way she knew to cook that’s the only way she knew to provide for her family uh unfortunately when my grandmother was 61 years old I was a 14-year-old kid she

Got really sick really fast with type 2 diabetes she didn’t really believe in Healthcare and unfortunately that cost her dearly and us as well and so I carried that through life you know want to show people like man my my grandmothers were Amazing fast forward um God gave me that ability through Ruby James CH and I love right here on your wall it says health is freedom and that’s so important when we’re speaking about black community communities because we know historically our communities are food deserts but then there’s a Chris

Good who’s from Kansas City and who says I’m going to open up this Juicery in honor of my grandmother literally in a food desert this is the first ever healthy business on the entire east side of Kansas City in the history of this city in the entire east side of Kansas

City when it first came to me I questioned it m I said I know this place 30th in truce like will this work and so when I grappled with that and I rested on the idea I said you know what I got to do this because if I don’t do this it

May not ever happen and sometimes all it takes is the courage of one to change the course of history much like Victor green and his wife Alma did with the Negro motorist green book the green book is a testament to the kind of America ordinary black Travelers moved through not so long ago

And you’d want to believe that the biggest Superstars and ball players of that time fared better but they suffered the same injustices come spring and the old refrain Take Me Out to the Ball Game Echoes Across America from the Western to the east baseball America favorite

Pastime some of the best men to ever play the game were African-American they entertained the masses but struggled to be seen as equals by the white Fans you have players who were arguably the best baseball players who people would come from far and wide whether they’re white or black to see them play and while they were traveling to these places they couldn’t eat in a restaurant they didn’t have anywhere to stay and really their challenges were for the

Most part traveling the highways and byways of this country the baseball field was in essence their Sanctuary y that’s where they got a chance to do what they do to put on a show and those fans would ride into a town fill up the

Ball party M and yet not be able to get a meal from the same fans who had just cheered them exactly or not have a place to stay so they would indeed sleep on the bus and eat their peanut butter and crackers until they could get to a place

That would offer them basic Services it would have been easy for them to quit to say the hell with this you know because it wasn’t as if they were making a boatload of money they were making a decent living playing the game they love the circumstances that dictated a

Need for Negro Leagues are sorrowful but not the Negro Leagues themselves The Negro Leagues themselves are triumph over that adversity and we need that story I don’t want the only side that you see of me to be as the down triing side of my experiences you need to see

My success stories CU very few folks can relate to that down Triden side of my journey seeking equality in this country but you can relate to my success story and so if you only see my struggles then you never see the real me and I think through the lens of these courageous

Athletes they didn’t know they were making history they didn’t care about making history they just wanted to play ball but the pride the passion the perseverance the determination the courage that they demonstrated in the face of adversity yeah would not only change this game but more importantly it would change our

Country you see resilience and perseverance are in the DNA of the black experience in America when obstacles are put in our way we figure out how to come out on the other side of achieving New Heights we know that this is historically the black neighborhood it’s

The east side of truce which if anybody knows anything about truce west side is more white east side is more black and in our neighborhoods the the mascots you see is a white man on KFC a girl with red hair on Wendy’s but then you got this black woman right you have this

Black woman who’s beautiful with gold earrings red and that’s what the babies are seeing when they’re how does that make you feel um it you know it’s humbling uh I’m I’m grateful that God gave me the foresight to be able to see it to not only have the opportunity to

Honor my grandmother and my family but to honor all the other families out there that exist the beauty about my grandmother is that her story is a universal story there’s a ruby Jean in your family there’s a ruby Jean in every single family unit represented we have this

Ability to tell a very black story that touches every Walk of Life when these doors are open it’s not just black people coming in here it’s not just white people coming in here there are no boundaries for the people that come here I love the vibe and so that’s the thing

That we’ve been able to create here is create truth and reality and rawness and realness through our lens and just sharing our story come in here feel like you at Grandma’s house get a hug get a smile and feel this Vibe because we all need

It and just like that my time in Kansas City Missouri is done the one word to describe my experience in Kansas City as a whole is full full with Good Eats full with a richer knowledge of history and full of gratitude next up I I travel to Denver

Colorado or as some may know it the Harlem of the West to get a lay of the land on its historic Five Points district and what made it such a magnet for black Travelers back then and the businesses that are hoping to return it to its former glory Guided by the Negro motorist

Greenbook I’ve traveled hundreds of miles west and one mile high Denver Colorado is home to the Five Points District which in 2002 received a well-deserved historical landmark status and still Bears some signs of the flourishing African-American community that lived here Five Points was the heart of African-American Commerce during the days of

Segregation and of all of my travels this place is the nearest and dearest to my heart because of my family connection to it my family includes the Butlers who migrated from Maryland to Denver where they met the hoopers and through a special Union my grandfather was

Born the man in this mural is my grandfather’s uncle benny Hooper a successful businessman and The Unofficial mayor of Five Points who poured his time energy and resources into this once historically African-American neighborhood my great uncle was one of the many African-Americans who helped Quil the myth that the wild west was

Inhabited by an entirely white population and not only were the businesses singing a glorious tune but so were the many iconic musicians who ushered in the Denver Jazz scene helping the Five Points neighborhood earn a very fitting nickname I was lucky enough to catch professor and author Dr Ronald Stevens

To fill us in on details of how Five Points eventually became the Harlem of the West talk about myig migration of African-Americans to Denver why Denver was so desirable for African-Americans to come here after the Civil War and during Reconstruction what a lot of people don’t understand was there was a growing black middle class that’s when it was first emerging and of course uh

The first voluntary uh migration of African-Americans was in 1877 to Nicodemus Kansas the Exodusters I don’t know if you’ve ever been Kansas but it’s almost like right in the middle of Kansas you know it’s burning hot they got here they would promised that you know they’d be able to

Build a community and which they did a church Schoolhouse several homes but there was a problem with water and so some families left Nicodemus and they continued West and some landed in Denver Denver was founded in 1850 uh 1858 I believe right and so as Denver was being founded African-American are migrating

Slowly and the numbers start to grow by 1900 so you think about you know the entertainers but you also had black middle class cuz the middle class could afford to travel and many of them previous to this were traveling by rail first but by 1929 you got African-Americans who have automobiles

Especially the entertainers and the musicians and they will get on the road so between Kansas City Missouri and Los Angeles right Denver was the major hub for African-American music jazz in particular and that’s why it’s called the Harlem of the West Harlem of the West absolutely and that was basically

Because of the huge Jazz scene that was here the huge Jazz scene and so you had the musicians coming you had African-Americans middle class that lived here in Denver but you also had African-Americans traveling to Denver to see these shows and this is all happening just as Victor green publishes the green

Book which was an idea that he had pulled from the Jewish Community the Jewish Community was using that for the cat skills in New York they were using that like in the late part of the 19th century y well he got the idea of being a poster worker right uh from that

African-Americans are resilient people a lot of that history is hidden right a lot of that history is ignored but you have a growing population of African-American historians sociologists professors that are doing research that want to rescue black history which is American history yes wait say that again black history is

Americ is American history and without black history we can’t talk about American history but even American music right the roots of American music is black music right from spirituals to the blues to Jazz to rock and roll all the way to hip-hop ah but we digress back to Five

Points I know Dr Stevens has a story or two that might be missing from your average history book back in the 1920s there was a a Joseph Westbrook of light-skinned in African-American who could pass as white so 1920s there was a large clue clut Clan here in Colorado

It was second to the kli CL in Indiana Westbrook was able to infiltrate the clus clan that had planned harm on the Five Points community so he was able to warn the black businesses cuz it was thriving in Five Points it’s like they say success breeds enemies especially for thriving black

Communities in the 1920s but success also breed success 100 years later Five Points is still here from longtime Community Staples to the New Kids on the Block hi Miss the Five Points District in Denver Colorado has a legacy of africanamerican Excellence longtime business owners like Franklin and Mela stiger take pride in

Carrying that torch forward as the neighborhood changes Frank and M May thank you so much for allowing me to come in here today when people talk about five points they always say you have to come see the stigers and they’ve been loving you guys for the past 40 years correct I’ve been

Here for 4 better uhhuh and I sered the people well and so over the past 40 years how many people from the community did you employ here at the barber shop about three off and on you know and during my time you had the natural and the Jerry curl uh-huh and that’s what

Brought the money in okay Miss May you had a Jerry girl yes did you have a Jerry C Alro that was a natural okay that was your natural but then too for the community and with the projects being over on the rapper ho the little kids that come in

And uh said uh Mr stiger can I sweep the floor can I do this no for lunch money and he used to always have one or two of them you know come and help clean up the shop and give them money and they would take that money and that was their

School lunch money for the week one of the kids uh turned out to be a doctor wow and whenever he come to Colorado he comes to the shop love I just love that you guys are such a staple in this community and you’re still here here I’m

Always looking for ways to support black businesses but the stigers remind me that it’s not just about buying black these small businesses are the foundation of their communities creating the opportunities role models and healthy environments that for so much of American History black people couldn’t find elsewhere entrepreneurs in Five Points

Like rysa Jones take that responsibility seriously now tell me a little bit about the name te’s where exactly does that come from my grandmother your grandmother and we happened to be drinking out of her teacups and her plate okay and was her name teely her her given name was Evelyn Jones okay and

You guys call her teely she was a wee bitty little thing so somehow that translated to teely gotcha so what was that deciding factor to be here cuz our presence was so diminished M the presence of black people being people a historically black neighborhood was so diminished so Welton

Street is a historical Corridor cultural historical Corridor um like in most cities where we live it’s redlining it’s segregation you could perform you could entertain it didn’t matter how famous you were you could go downtown to do those performances you couldn’t stay and you couldn’t stay m and I’m like no way I

That that’s where I want to be I want a place where we as africanamerican people can see ourselves yeah so you have a place of comfort and that’s where my grandmother ties in because I always thought of her house of like it was good food good company good conversation and

Wisdom again and again family is the inspiration for the business owners I’ve talked to I wonder was ree’s family always so entrepreneurial my dad had SNL properties in Little Rock Arkansas on Ninth Street he had the chat and chw restaurant okay a liquor store and a

Hotel and a hotel and a hotel in the in the 30s during the Depression W and this building was a hotel at one point also this building was a hotel at one point the greenbook also listed tourist homes as an option for lodging which were homes of ordinary citizens who extended

Their hospitalities to families passing through town but in Five Points the hotels were the district’s soul in those days not only for the necessity but also for their buzzing atmosphere the most famous is an architectural Landmark the ronian first built in 1912 the hotel hosted black travelers to Denver and major players

From the American Jazz scene Dr Ronald Stevens has the scoop on the main floor that was the jazz lounge and then you know the hotel on the upper level floors but what was unique is the number of entertainers the ma major names that came through here

Which is why Five Points got to nickname the Harlem of the West gotcha and many of those entertainers they either performed Outdoors or at some of the hotels downtown where they couldn’t stay right and in between they would go back to you know the Ros and that’s where they were

Performing so it was a a dynamic spot it lasted up until roughly around the 1950s just as you know restricted uh coverage was uh lessening and African-Americans were able to move other places the legendary ronian still stands today as a beacon to those generations of black Travelers

In fact Legends can be found all across Denver’s Five Points district and those Legends Run Deep you always hear the legend of your family and always say Legend cuz you’re trying to okay where where’s the fact yeah and where’s and where’s where’s the where’s the fiction right right right right what’s actually

True right right literally last Friday my nephew pulls the Scrapbook out and I’m like oh my gosh this matches the legend with here’s the fact to match I love it and you know I had to take a peek at Reese’s history which as Dr Steven said is really American history

Oh my gosh and it’s your own green book it is truly I cannot believe that they have preserved this this is fantastic this book goes this is the only way we know to the 30s the 40s oh my so this is my grandfather wow Samuel he was he was

Samuel Franklin Jones senior my dad was Samuel Franklin Jones Jr I love that your family has so much history in a place like Little Rock that also has so much history in terms of segregation in terms of civil rights I mean the Little Rock N all of that oh

This is the chatt and chw so this is inside the chatt oh my gosh look how well they were dressed wo I know I’m look the hats the clothes handsome wait a second CNC Hotel yes Jones liquor store which we just saw the chat and which we just saw and oh my

Gosh okay we have to see if they’re in these Green books okay let’s take a look I hope they are I’ll give you this one do a little research I want to look okay CNC Hotel so I would need to look under Little Rock and this is the green book

From 195 4 and this one what do I have here 1940 Edition yep established in 36 and the 1940 Edition so let’s see if we can find Little Rock what you’re finding I found CNC wooo wait a minute CNC West Street West nth all of his properties were on West

West nth street Oh my days yes your family is in the green book is in the green book woohoo and you’re in the new new green book my version wait wait wait wait liquor store Jones 528 West 9 Street this is so I don’t even know what to say yeah

That’s them and then it says please mention the green book and patronizing these these places this is fantastic it is your family literally is part of National History and the proof is Right Here and Now tea leaves is also part of National History and you are the proof wow Phenomenal

Video “Visiting Historic Green Book Locations (Full Episode) | Black Travel Across America” was uploaded on 02/04/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by National Geographic on Gretopia