In a heart-stopping moment captured on video, a brave woman named Bailey Jacobsen can be seen running after a massive mama bear who was chasing down her beloved German Shepherd, Zeus. The terrifying ordeal unfolded when Zeus returned home from a walk with Jacobsen, only to be pursued by the bear down their long driveway. Jacobsen’s frantic screams caught the attention of the bear, causing it to turn around and start chasing her instead. In a display of incredible courage and quick thinking, Jacobsen was able to distract the bear and lead both herself and Zeus to safety without being harmed. This harrowing encounter serves as a reminder of the incredible bond between pets and their owners, as well as the lengths people will go to protect their furry friends in times of danger.
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Video “Brave Woman Runs After Mama Bear Chasing Down Her Dog” was uploaded on 06/04/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition