Finding Happiness in Aging with Wabi-Sabi | Arielle Ford | TEDxSanDiego – Video

Finding Happiness in Aging with Wabi-Sabi | Arielle Ford | TEDxSanDiego – Video

The video titled “The wabi-sabi path to aging happily” by Arielle Ford, presented at TEDxSanDiego, explores the concept of wabi-sabi and how it can lead us to age happily and embrace our imperfections. Ford introduces the idea of being a “queenager,” a woman at midlife or beyond who lives freely and comfortably with her age. She discusses how wabi-sabi, an ancient Japanese aesthetic that finds beauty in imperfections, can help us shift our perception and be at ease with ourselves and those around us.

Ford shares personal anecdotes about the benefits of aging, such as being able to forgive and forget, enjoying the present moment, and playing the age card to her advantage. She humorously describes how she uses her imperfect memory, selective hearing, and the age card to her benefit. Ford encourages viewers to redefine perfection as “pure fiction” and to consciously choose to see the world through wabi-sabi rose-colored glasses, focusing on what’s right instead of what’s wrong.

By embracing imperfections, letting go of societal expectations, and finding happiness in aging, Ford inspires us to live as happy, perfectly imperfect wabi-sabi queenagers. Her message reminds us that everything will be alright in the end, and if it’s not alright, it’s not yet the end.

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Arielle Ford shares the uplifting research on how happiness grows with each advancing decade over 50. Discover how to …

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Video “The wabi-sabi path to aging happily | Arielle Ford | TEDxSanDiego” was uploaded on 05/08/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks