Fishermen Using Magnets Find 0,000 in Cash – Video

Fishermen Using Magnets Find $100,000 in Cash – Video

Beneath the murky waters of a creek in Queens, New York, magnet fishers Barbie Agostini and James Kane struck gold – well, technically cash. The duo managed to reel up a safe from the depths below, and to their astonishment, it was filled to the brim with bundles of hundred-dollar bills amounting to a whopping $100,000. The contents of the safe provided no clues as to who the rightful owner might be, leaving authorities at a loss when it came to tracing the money back to its origins.

With no way of determining where the cash came from, it was declared that the magnet fishers were entitled to keep their unexpected haul. The incredible find was certainly a stroke of luck for Barbie and James, who must have felt like they hit the jackpot that day at the creek.

The intriguing story of the magnet fishers’ unexpected windfall has since garnered attention and fascination from many. Inside Edition’s Alison Hall delves into the details of how Barbie and James stumbled upon the safe filled with cash and what this miraculous discovery means for the lucky pair.

In a world where tales of hidden treasures are often relegated to stories of fiction, the reality of Barbie Agostini and James Kane’s fortune serves as a reminder that sometimes, truth can be stranger – and more lucrative – than fiction.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Magnet Fishers Reel Up $100K in Cash” was uploaded on 06/05/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition