In the upcoming thriller film Flight Risk (2025), Mark Wahlberg takes on the role of a skilled pilot tasked with transporting an Air Marshal and a dangerous fugitive to trial. The tension escalates as they travel through the treacherous Alaskan wilderness, and suspicions arise as it becomes clear that not everyone onboard can be trusted.
With a star-studded cast including Topher Grace and Michelle Dockery, Flight Risk promises to be a gripping and suspenseful ride from start to finish. As alliances shift and secrets are revealed, Wahlberg’s character must navigate through a web of deception in order to ensure the safety of all passengers.
Watch as the stakes get higher and trust becomes a rare commodity in this high-octane thriller, set to hit cinemas on January 24, 2025. Don’t miss out on the adrenaline-pumping action of Flight Risk, a film that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
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Video “FLIGHT RISK Trailer 2 (2025) Mark Wahlberg” was uploaded on 01/02/2025 to Youtube Channel
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