France changes position on Western Sahara, supports Moroccan autonomy

France changes position on Western Sahara, supports Moroccan autonomy

In a significant shift in policy, France has thrown its support behind Moroccan autonomy for the Western Sahara region, marking a major development in resolving a long-standing dispute over the territory. President Emmanuel Macron made this announcement in a letter on Tuesday, stating that recognising a plan for autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty is the best way to address the ongoing conflict in the region.

The Western Sahara has been a point of contention between Morocco and the Polisario Front, a group seeking independence for the territory, for decades. The dispute has led to intermittent violence and stalled peace talks, with various countries and international bodies attempting to mediate a resolution.

France’s decision to back Moroccan autonomy for the Western Sahara is likely to have far-reaching implications for the region and could potentially shift the dynamics of the conflict. By supporting this approach, Macron is signaling a willingness to align with Morocco on this issue and potentially strengthen ties between the two countries.

This move by France also comes at a time when other countries and international actors are increasingly recognizing the need for a sustainable solution to the Western Sahara conflict. The United Nations has been involved in negotiations for years, and this latest development could inject new momentum into the peace process.

Overall, France’s decision to back Moroccan autonomy for the Western Sahara is a significant development that could have a lasting impact on the region. It remains to be seen how this shift in stance will influence future negotiations and the ultimate resolution of the conflict.

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Video “France shifts Western Sahara stance, backs Moroccan autonomy • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 07/30/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English