April Rain is a high-octane action thriller directed and written by Luciano Saber. The movie follows an eclectic group of soldiers who are plotting to attack the United States from within. It’s up to a quasi-military special investigative unit to identify, infiltrate, and neutralize the threat before it’s too late.
The star-studded cast includes Luke Goss, Ryan Guzman, Doug Savant, Andrew Keegan, Ming Na-Wen, and Vincent Spano, who deliver captivating performances that keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Throughout the film, suspense and tension build as the special investigative unit races against time to uncover the plot and prevent disaster. With its fast-paced action sequences and thrilling plot twists, April Rain is a must-watch for fans of the action genre.
Overall, April Rain is a gripping and intense action movie that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish. It’s a thrilling ride that showcases the talent of its cast and director, making it a standout film in the action genre.
Watch the video by Cinéma Cinémas
Video “April Rain (Action) Full Movie” was uploaded on 11/08/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas
Votre chaîne est une véritable trouvaille pour tous ceux qui recherchent un partage de bonne humeur et de moments joyeux. Continuez à nous inspirer et à améliorer nos journées !🛷💎🧭
Je suis le premier
Vos vidéos sont une véritable expérience cinématographique ! Merci pour votre art et votre talent.⚽️🐷⁉️
Et j'adore le film mais la musique j'aime pas beaucoup
I need to toke with you please can you please 🙏 😢
I could only get 3:00 minutes into this absolutely worthless movie. You get shot with a 12 gauge at close range you won't have a chest, fatso only had a small bullet wound.
Kok nggak bisa
Très bon film 👍👍👍☺️☺️☺️
Americanii sunt f slabi la filme, toate filmele în care protagoniștii se expun pt a fi impuscați sunt comedii, nici o asemănare cu realitatea, numai vrăjeală americană,filme comerciale!
I disagree it's a white knuckle thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat, my only criticism occurs when Goss tried to reason with the terrorist. Your wasting your time, they are full fruit fanatics who cannot be reasoned with and when they kill men, women and children with their bombs, they kill with "glee!!" Regards, Denis Berte' USMC
Good movie but what is this amateur hour, the one cop is undercover yet he's talking on the phone in front of everyone, and could have easily gotten himself and the boss killed, no questions asked. Maybe I need to stop watching these movies. Regards, Denis Berte' USMC
Filmul sa fie Subtritat in Romina
Dans "révise fion"amandine Carole et Lionel bensimoum(avec la scène du grenier )seront les pionniers du genre.
Muy buena película.
Toujour la 🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫💪✌️ le plus beau drapeu au monde