Growing Support for Karen as Jury Makes Decision on Her Fate – Video

Growing Support for Karen as Jury Makes Decision on Her Fate – Video

The case of Karen Read, who is accused of running down her boyfriend, Boston cop John O’Keefe, has captivated the attention of the public as support for her grows while the jury deliberates her fate. Outside the courthouse, even school girls have joined in the support with signs and pom-poms, showing solidarity for Read. The defense team has argued that she was framed, adding to the intrigue of the case.

To prevent any outside influence on the jury, court officials have taken measures to keep the atmosphere outside the courthouse at bay. A judge has created a buffer zone and ordered the crowd to stay at least 200 feet away from the courthouse, ensuring that the jury can make their decision impartially.

As the tension builds and the jury continues to deliberate, all eyes are on the outcome of the trial. Will Karen Read be found guilty, or will the support from the community outside the courthouse sway the jury in her favor? Only time will tell as the fate of Karen Read hangs in the balance.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Support for Karen Read Grows as Jury Deliberates Her Fate” was uploaded on 06/27/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition