“Gugu’s Growth Chronicles | Xinle Ge | TEDxZizhuPark Youth” – Video

“Gugu’s Growth Chronicles | Xinle Ge | TEDxZizhuPark Youth” – Video

In the TEDxZizhuPark Youth video titled “咕咕成长记 | 心乐 葛”, speaker Xinle Ge shares her personal growth journey, highlighting the challenges and triumphs she has faced along the way. Ge reflects on the importance of having a positive mindset and believing in oneself, emphasizing the power of resilience and perseverance in overcoming obstacles.

Through her engaging storytelling, Ge inspires young people to embrace their individuality and pursue their passions with confidence. She encourages viewers to step out of their comfort zones, take risks, and seize opportunities for personal and professional growth. Ge’s message resonates with audiences of all ages, reminding them that success is not defined by external validation, but by self-fulfillment and personal growth.

Overall, “咕咕成长记 | 心乐 葛” is a motivational and empowering video that encourages viewers to embrace their own journeys of growth and self-discovery. Ge’s uplifting message serves as a reminder that with perseverance and determination, anything is possible.

Watch the video by TEDxTalks

Author Video Description

在7岁那年,葛心乐认识了一个特别的朋友“咕咕”,她不仅观察到了“咕咕”成长的每一个瞬间,还体验了生命中的第一次告别。但这份经历没有让她感到沮丧,反而激发了她的创造力。她拿起画笔将她和“咕咕”的故事化作了一本美丽的科普绘本——《咕咕成长记》。更让人感动的是,她没有停下脚步,而是将这份爱转化为了行动,通过义卖绘本和周边,为山区的女童们筹集了善款。葛心乐向我们展示了一个8岁的小女孩如何用她的爱心和创造力,让这个世界变得更加美好,也愿我们都能找到自己的“咕咕”,勇敢地飞向自己的天空! 葛心乐,一位来自上海交通大学附属实验小学的二年级小学生,也是科普绘本《咕咕成长记》的作者。 年仅7岁的她,亲历了一只珠颈斑鸠宝宝“咕咕”从破壳而出到展翅飞翔的每一个珍贵瞬间,也初尝了离别的滋味。这份思念,激发她创作了科普绘本《咕咕成长记》,还设计了周边文创产品。 她的爱心之旅并未止步,她带着绘本和文创周边,踏上了义卖之旅,将所得款项全部捐赠给了山区女童。 此外,她还通过举办讲座、演出儿童剧等形式,向公众普及上海常见鸟类的知识,唤起人们对自然和生命的敬畏之心。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere — celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage. TEDx events are produced independently of TED conferences, each event curates speakers on their own, but based on TED’s format and rules.

Video “咕咕成长记 | 心乐 葛 | TEDxZizhuPark Youth” was uploaded on 12/03/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks