Iconoclast Summit 2024: Blackstone’s  Trillion Dollar Gamble

Iconoclast Summit 2024: Blackstone’s $80 Trillion Dollar Gamble

Blackstone, one of the world’s leading investment firms, is making a groundbreaking $80 trillion bet that is set to remaster the universe as we know it. In a candid conversation with Steve Forbes, Chairman & Editor-in-Chief of Forbes, and Jonathan Gray, President & COO of Blackstone, the audience at the Iconoclast Summit 2024 got an inside look at the bold move that could change the face of the global economy.

During the interview, Forbes and Gray delved into the details of this monumental investment, discussing the potential impact it could have on a wide range of industries. From real estate to technology, Blackstone’s massive bet is poised to shake up the status quo and create new opportunities for growth and innovation.

As the audience listened intently to the discussion, it became clear that Blackstone’s vision for the future is both ambitious and far-reaching. With their fingers on the pulse of the global market, Blackstone is leading the charge towards a new era of prosperity and success.

Forbes readers looking to stay ahead of the curve should keep a close eye on Blackstone’s $80 trillion dollar bet – it’s a game-changer that is sure to shape the landscape of business for years to come. And with Forbes’ unparalleled coverage of entrepreneurship, wealth, technology, and lifestyle, readers can gain valuable insights into the strategies and tactics that will drive success in this new era of innovation.

Watch the video by Forbes

Video “Blackstone’s $80 Trillion Dollar Bet | Iconoclast Summit 2024” was uploaded on 07/16/2024 to Dailymotion Channel Forbes