Iran experiencing historically low voter turnout: What’s behind the trend? | The Take

Iran experiencing historically low voter turnout: What’s behind the trend? | The Take

Iran is currently in the midst of a presidential election, but the first round of voting experienced the lowest voter turnout in the country’s history. The question now is whether more citizens will show up to the polls for the final round of voting on Friday, or if this trend of low voter turnout will continue.

The reasons behind this unprecedented lack of participation are still being debated. Some point to widespread disillusionment with the political system, as well as a lack of viable candidates that truly represent the interests of the Iranian people. Others suggest that economic hardships, exacerbated by sanctions and the COVID-19 pandemic, have made voting a low priority for many Iranians.

To delve deeper into this issue, The Take speaks with journalist Maziar Motamedi. Through this conversation, viewers gain insight into the various factors at play in Iran’s low voter turnout, as well as what this trend may mean for the future of the country’s political landscape.

As Iran gears up for the final round of voting, all eyes are on whether more citizens will choose to participate in this crucial democratic process, or if voter apathy will continue to shape the outcome of the election.

Watch the video by Al Jazeera English

Video “Why is Iran seeing its lowest voter turnout ever? | The Take” was uploaded on 07/02/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English