Is the Future of Living AI-Powered Homes? | Philippe Ziade | TEDxReno – Video

Is the Future of Living AI-Powered Homes? | Philippe Ziade | TEDxReno – Video

In the TEDxReno video “Are AI-powered homes the future of living?” Philippe Ziade takes us on a journey from his childhood in war-torn Lebanon to his current role in building the next generation of AI-powered homes. Drawing on his early life experiences, Ziade shares how he learned to face challenges with optimism and take chances, shaping his mindset to embrace change and innovation.

He envisions a future where AI-powered homes become trusted companions, intuitively learning our preferences, anticipating our needs, and supporting our well-being in ways we never thought possible. These homes can detect health issues early, adjust to our moods, and even customize settings for individual preferences. From maximizing energy efficiency to enhancing comfort and health, Ziade explores the endless possibilities of a home with a brain and a digital nervous system.

By embracing AI-powered homes, we are not only upgrading our living spaces but also transforming our mindset to embrace change and turn challenges into victories. So, let’s roll with confidence into this new era of living, where AI is not a threat but a trusted ally in creating a brighter future for us all.

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Author Video Description

This talk takes you on an unexpected journey, from the war-torn streets of Lebanon to the exciting future of AI homes. Philippe Ziade, a visionary leader, explains AI can transform our living spaces into personalized havens of comfort, health, and security. Philippe Ziade, a serial entrepreneur, founded 60+ companies in under two decades, embodying the American ‘can do’ spirit. Renowned as a visionary leader, he reinvents industries, integrating sustainability early on. His Growth Holdings builds the first net-zero luxury hotel in Vegas, following LIVV Homes’ success with net-zero living communities. Ziade excels in merging advanced tech with people’s needs, expanding into various sectors globally. Originating from Lebanon, he supports education and community ties, serving as Honorary Consul of Lebanon in Nevada, bridging cultures and fostering growth. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere — celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage. TEDx events are produced independently of TED conferences, each event curates speakers on their own, but based on TED’s format and rules.

Video “Are AI-powered homes the future of living? | Philippe Ziade | TEDxReno” was uploaded on 05/09/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks