Israeli Prime Minister says intense Rafah fighting ‘nearly over’

Israeli Prime Minister says intense Rafah fighting ‘nearly over’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has provided an update on the intense fighting in Rafah, southern Gaza. In a statement, he mentioned that the “intense phase” of the battle is almost complete, but emphasized that this does not signify the end of the war. Netanyahu stated that Israel will continue its military operations until Hamas is completely removed from power.

Furthermore, Netanyahu mentioned plans to redeploy troops to the border with Lebanon, where tensions with Hezbollah have been escalating. This move reflects Israel’s commitment to ensuring security along its borders and addressing threats from various armed groups in the region.

Additionally, Netanyahu rejected the idea of the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority taking control of Gaza in place of Hamas. This indicates the Israeli government’s stance on the governance of Gaza and its intention to address the situation through military means.

The situation in the region remains volatile and unpredictable, with ongoing conflicts and escalations. The Israeli Prime Minister’s statements provide insight into the government’s stance and actions in response to the developments in Gaza and Lebanon. Stay tuned for further updates on this evolving situation.

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Video “Israeli Prime Minister says intense Rafah fighting ‘nearly over’ | BBC News” was uploaded on 06/24/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News