Keityn Spills the Beans on Whose Idea it Was to Feature Shakira on “TQG” | Billboard News #Shorts – Video

Keityn Spills the Beans on Whose Idea it Was to Feature Shakira on “TQG” | Billboard News #Shorts – Video

Keityn Reveals Who’s Idea It Was to Feature Shakira On “TQG” | Billboard News #Shorts

In a recent video interview, Keityn revealed the backstory behind the collaboration between him and Shakira on the hit song “TQG.” He explains that it was actually Carol who came up with the idea to feature the Colombian superstar on the track. Keityn recalls how they were all in Los Angeles at the time, with Carol working on her own project, when she had the vision of creating a song with Shakira about heartbreak. The idea was quickly embraced by everyone involved, and they worked together to bring the song to life. The collaboration turned out to be a success, with the song resonating with fans and becoming a favorite on the charts. Keityn gives credit to Carol for her creative vision and initiative in making the collaboration happen. The video sheds light on the creative process behind the hit song and gives fans a glimpse into the collaboration between Keityn and Shakira.

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Video “Keityn Reveals Who’s Idea It Was to Feature Shakira On “TQG” | Billboard News #Shorts” was uploaded on 04/28/2024 to Youtube Channel Billboard