Lil Nas X Addresses Controversy Surrounding His New “J CHRIST” Music Video | Billboard News – Video

Lil Nas X Addresses Controversy Surrounding His New “J CHRIST” Music Video | Billboard News – Video

Lil Nas X Responds To The Controversy Around His New “J CHRIST” Music Video | Billboard News

Lil Nas X is making headlines again with his new controversial music video, “J Christ,” and he’s responding to the backlash. In a recent YouTube video, the artist addresses the controversy, expressing that he didn’t mean to offend anyone and is feeling the mental toll of the criticism.

The rapper explains that he thought the video would lighten the mood and not be taken so seriously, but understands now that it has caused a stir. He clarifies that he wasn’t trying to mock Christianity or diss anyone, but rather bring a different perspective that wasn’t meant to cause offense.

Lil Nas X also addresses a TikTok video where he can be seen taking communion snacks, stating that it was meant to be lighthearted and not disrespectful. Despite the controversy, the artist emphasizes that he didn’t mean to offend or mock, and is sincerely apologizing for any misunderstanding.

This isn’t the first time Lil Nas X has faced backlash for his music videos, as his previous video also caused controversy. Despite the criticism, fans are still eager to see where “J Christ” lands on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

In the end, Lil Nas X wants to clear the air and express that he didn’t intend to offend anyone with his new music video, ultimately acknowledging the impact of his decisions and expressing remorse for any unintended offense.

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This is not like to try to get everybody on my good side or whatnot this is more so to clear my own head about my own decisions I know I know like you know I messed up like L NX is saying I’m sorry the artist is experiencing backlash for his new

Music video J Christ and he’s saying he truly didn’t mean to offend and I can act unbothered all I want but it’s it’s definitely like taking a mental toll on Me way took them to tell and I told Lil n is back like J Christ that’s Jesus if you didn’t know but after his mono video caused a similar backlash a few years back he’s saying this isn’t the same thing I thought me clearly not being on

The side of the devil in that video was the I don’t know was was like there was an understanding there that I’m not like trying to diss uh Christianity the rapper also did a Tik Tok Downing that famous communion snack and he’s saying he actually wanted

To lighten the mood I thought that video was going to be the video to lighten the mood to take it down like less serious what not I thought that was something that we all wanted to do with kids and whatnot but I didn’t understand listen I agree I did try to get extra Crackers everybody will be waiting to see if and where J lands on the Billboard Hot 100 but at least now when we hear the song we know exactly where Lil na stands but I also didn’t mean to like mock this wasn’t like a you to you

People um you to the Christians like you know it wasn’t it was not that

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Video “Lil Nas X Responds To The Controversy Around His New “J CHRIST” Music Video | Billboard News” was uploaded on 01/17/2024 to Youtube Channel Billboard