Maintaining Spiritual Life Guards Against Depression. – Video

Maintaining Spiritual Life Guards Against Depression. – Video

“Sustained spiritual life is neuroprotective against depression.”

The video “Sustained spiritual life is neuroprotective against depression” delves into the fascinating connection between spirituality and mental health. Lisa Miller, a renowned psychologist and professor, leads the discussion on how connecting to a higher power can lead to profound support and renewal for those suffering from depression. Through her research, Miller highlights how individuals who have recovered from depression through spiritual awakening often experience a thickening of the cortex, suggesting that sustained spiritual life can act as a protective barrier against depression.

Miller’s work focuses on the impact of spirituality on psychological well-being, especially in adolescents and young adults. Her book “The Spiritual Child” explores the benefits of nurturing spiritual development in children, emphasizing the importance of spirituality in overall health and lifelong thriving. As a leading expert in the field, Miller’s research has greatly contributed to understanding the transformative power of spirituality on mental health.

The video invites viewers to deepen their understanding with exclusive access to full interviews and Big Think membership, offering insights from top minds in business and leadership. It encourages individuals to explore the connection between spirituality and mental health, showcasing the potential for spiritual practices to support overall well-being and mental resilience.

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Author Video Description

Lisa Miller is a renowned psychologist and professor, specializing in the intersection of spirituality and mental health. She is a Professor of Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she also directs the Spirituality Mind Body Institute. Miller’s research focuses on the impact of spirituality on psychological well-being, particularly in adolescents and young adults. She is the author of the bestselling book “The Spiritual Child: The New Science on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving,” which explores the benefits of nurturing spiritual development in children. Her work has been featured in prominent media outlets and academic journals, earning her recognition as a leading expert in her field. Miller’s innovative research and advocacy have significantly contributed to the growing understanding of spirituality as a vital component of mental health and overall well-being. Through her teaching, writing, and public speaking, she continues to influence both academic and public discourse on the transformative power of spirituality.

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Video “”Sustained spiritual life is neuroprotective against depression.”” was uploaded on 06/21/2024 to Youtube Channel Big Think