Man Accidentally Drives Someone Else’s Car Instead of His After Picking Up Pizza – Video

Man Accidentally Drives Someone Else’s Car Instead of His After Picking Up Pizza – Video

In a hilarious mix-up, Vincent Zapeda found himself driving a stranger’s car after picking up a pizza. The Montana man was unaware that he had gotten into the wrong vehicle until he was already on the road. Realizing his mistake, Zapeda quickly turned around and returned the car to its rightful owner, Cynthie Fisher.

Fisher was surprised to find a stranger driving her car, but she took the incident in stride. She jokingly mentioned that she thought having her dog in the car would protect it, but he didn’t prove to be much of a guard dog in this situation.

The amusing mix-up serves as a reminder to always double-check your own vehicle before driving off, as you never know when you might accidentally end up in someone else’s car. Thankfully, this story had a happy ending with Zapeda returning the car safely and both parties able to laugh about the unusual situation.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Man Mistakenly Drives Stranger’s Car After Picking Up Pizza” was uploaded on 06/05/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition