Melissa Etheridge Discusses Her New Documentary ‘I’m Not Broken’ and More at the CMT Awards 2024 – Video

Melissa Etheridge Discusses Her New Documentary ‘I’m Not Broken’ and More at the CMT Awards 2024 – Video

Melissa Etheridge On Her New Documentary ‘I’m Not Broken’ & More | CMT Awards 2024

much Melissa for sharing your insights on your new documentary ‘I’m Not Broken’ and more at the CMT Awards 2024. In the documentary, Melissa Etheridge takes us on a journey inside the walls of the Kansas State Women’s Penitentiary where she filmed a live concert and shares the stories of five inmates. The documentary explores how music can inspire hope and uplift individuals, especially those facing adversity.

One of the most impactful stories Melissa encountered was the focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment within the penitentiary. The warden’s focus on helping women overcome drug addiction and mental health challenges resonated deeply with Melissa, emphasizing the importance of viewing individuals in a holistic and compassionate light.

In addition to discussing her documentary, Melissa also shared her thoughts on Beyonce’s foray into country music with “Cowboy Carter.” She commended Beyonce’s tribute to black country women and emphasized the roots of country and rock ‘n’ roll in black music, highlighting the interconnectedness of musical genres.

Overall, Melissa Etheridge’s passion for music and social change shines through in her conversation, underscoring the power of music to inspire, heal, and unite.

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Video “Melissa Etheridge On Her New Documentary ‘I’m Not Broken’ & More | CMT Awards 2024” was uploaded on 04/08/2024 to Youtube Channel Billboard