Michael Moore condemns advocates urging Biden to continue in the race as perpetrators of ‘elder abuse’

Michael Moore condemns advocates urging Biden to continue in the race as perpetrators of ‘elder abuse’

During a recent interview, Michael Moore did not hold back in his criticism of those who are pressuring President Biden to stay in the race despite his advanced age. The left-leaning filmmaker accused Biden’s campaign of committing “the cruelest form of elder abuse” by pushing him to continue on as a candidate.

Moore’s comments come at a time when many Democrats are questioning whether Biden, who is 79 years old, has the physical or mental capacity to serve as president for another four years. Some have argued that it is time for the president to step down and allow a younger leader to take over.

Moore, however, believes that the pressure being placed on Biden is unfair and damaging. He insists that it is time for Biden to step aside and allow a new generation of leaders to take the helm.

The filmmaker’s comments have sparked a heated debate among Democrats, with some agreeing that it is time for Biden to step down and others defending his right to continue on as a candidate. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, Moore’s words serve as a reminder that ageism is a real issue in politics and that we must be mindful of how we treat our elderly leaders.

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Video “Michael Moore rips those pushing Biden to stay in the race for inflicting cruel ‘elder abuse’” was uploaded on 07/09/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post