In Thailand, the ongoing conflict between humans and elephants has reached a critical point due to decades of deforestation and overdevelopment. This conflict often results in deadly consequences for both parties. However, there may be hope on the horizon as scientists have developed novel techniques to help mitigate this issue after carefully studying elephant behavior.
Through their research, scientists have gained valuable insights into the ways in which elephants interact with their environment and with humans. By understanding these behaviors, they have been able to develop strategies to reduce the likelihood of conflicts between elephants and humans. These techniques aim to protect both the elephants and the local communities, creating a more harmonious coexistence.
This groundbreaking work is a significant step in the right direction towards finding sustainable solutions to the human-elephant conflict in Thailand. By leveraging scientific expertise and innovative approaches, we can hope to see a future where both humans and elephants can thrive together in their shared habitats.
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Video “Scientists develop novel techniques to help stop human-elephant conflict in Thailand” was uploaded on 12/10/2024 to Youtube Channel 60 Minutes
Beautiful video, I am also hoping to do some wildlife videos from Thailand. It's a very beautiful place
Thats a short term . If elephantsare smart enough the'll adjust and learn that its only a trick
Are all Elephabts alike, Absolutely not.
Are all Humans alike, sure there is no difference.
I wonder who is BS'ng who…
Dolphins and elephants are the smartest animals in the world they never forget and of course Whales are extremely smart as well it’s wild how they know how to work together to get whatever is floating on a piece of ice to knock it off and eat it.
Why don’t they try what they did in Africa? Elephants are afraid of bees, put bee hives around the edge of your fields. They make it way too complicated
Josh is spewing the dummest psycobabble saying he is trying to understand elephants and wants to make elephants not to want to raid farms for good food. They are never going to do that, after all they are elephants, if you want to not make them steal food put an electric collar on them that shocks the crap out of them when they come close to a signal transmitter located in planted fields. That way, the elephants are forced to stay away by learning it hurts to steal.
Wrong assumption….
In Buddhism it is not a sacred thing, elephants, or for that matter, any creature.
It is just a practice being done by temples as a method to draw crowds to witness their rituals
Nowhere in the teaching of Buddha , it is endorsed the use of elephants or any other creature
We here in SL, experience the same thing. Wild elephants invading farmlands
Most Thais love elephants. Yet some elephants got injured or lost their lives from some villagers that invaded the jungle in which the elephants have lived long before. Thank goodness prior Thai Government have established two elephant hospitals in Lampang and Krabi provinces to take care of them.
Nice video🇹🇭 ❤🐘 ,Please, can you make a video about elephants in Sri Lanka? 🇱🇰🐘❤️🙏
The population is 4.4% of what it used to be.
😮AT THE BEGINNING SHE SAYS “…100,000 thousand wild elephants… that number was reduced by more than half… leaving an estimated forty four hundred (4400) wild elephants”
That’s wild
Ewww the way they word stuff
If you don't think human overpopulation is a problem, just ask the other species.
2:56 people should not ride elephants
It's amusingto me to read these comments. Such sheeple. No one realizes that's what's going on here is social engineering the elephants, just like they socially engineer us. Their saying the quiet part out loud. That behaviors can be controlled using our psychology.
This planet is so beautiful and so fascinating, all the flora and fauna. I hope we can get it right in the future…..better parents, better everything…..
Why don't you plant the foods they like in THEIR protected area………..maybe all the farmers can contribute plants, and funding from the country or something….?
Did she say the elephants are invading? 🤦🏾
Well done scientists 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Elephants don't forget 😂 i was in zambia two years ago. Were stuck at riverside bar partying. We wanted to walk back to the lodge. We were told they stop at nothing. In livingstone 😂. Best to stay out of there land.
Why didn’t they take the genius elephant and breed him with a really smart female and see if the brains are hereditary!
The elephants aren't the "intruders" here. The way to avoid conflict with elephants is to leave them the hell alone. Stop encroaching on their habitat and there won't be a problem. They don't want to be near us, it's us going to them that's the issue. Just leave them be. If you take their jungle homes they'll decide to stay at yours, good luck saying no.
Nice video and presentation.
The device attached on targeted element may benefit from its long range capability is however large heavy cumbersome expensive and maintenance intensive.
RFID technology?
Alternative: RFID
At the periphery of each village install a low cost and small RFID reader powered or charged through a USB port. The reader can detect remote tags attached on elephants, within 100m range. (depending on tag class and model)
This low cost scheme uses battery charged RFID tag attached on most alpha males elephants. Tag cost to government or local farmer association. The tag consumes no power if not triggered by a RFID reader, and only when triggered by the RFID reader within 100m range. (Once a RFID tag is detected, the trigger rate can be drastically reduced to conserve battery). Virtually the battery will last up to 10 years or nearly battery’s shelf life. We have been using this technology in vehicles on toll highways successfully. Concerning villagers and plant operators to pay for their portable RFID reader equipped with internal battery charged through an USB port, 24/7.
This alternative may be a supplement solution on high profile individual elephants already carrying a first generation power hungry beacon, during the next battery replacement cycle.
It is quite impressive. Patience leads to the most interesting discoveries.
….It would seem, since the elephants are so few, and a lot of fences would be expensive, why not put shock collars on all remaining elephants, and have invisible fences like we do for dogs….
As far as the sugar cane, since all we do is squeeze the juice out of the cane, they could develop a bitter tasting spray, to make the crop non palatable on the surface to the elephant….
Stop killing elephants ! Do not raub threyr habitat !!!!! High building stat hauses . Humans reproduction is a catastrofe for humans and animals.
Can you please add the original air date of this segment to the video description above?
The tusker with long tusk in this video is Sri Lankan 🇱🇰 tusker Muthu❤ Raja
Give them back their land. Humans go home
How would you feel if you were evicted from your lands & food source taken away😢
We have the same problem here in Sri Lanka please pay attention
The obvious problem is that we are in every corner of the world and don't leave big, intact ecosystems to their own. But with soon 10 billion people it's almost impossible, unless everyone curbs their expectations to a minimum.
Go ahead tell how asian elephants were hunted for game by white “colonialists” by thousands…. 😁
Wouldn't it be cheaper to just pay the farmers, reimbursing them for the relatively low value crops which the elephants eat ? Those high tech devices are too expensive.
Same here in Sri lanka 😢 But we are more better than thai land 😊
The best solution is to put deep canals or irrigation around the sanctuaries that the elephants can't cross I saw this in India but the side of the irrigation should have stairs on the other side so they can climb up again they will fall.
13 years and he still doesn’t know??? The dude is just trying to get a free ride and live in Thailand, drink Singha, and chill with his Thai lady.
I thought elephants were afraid of bees and in many areas of Africa (yeah, I know: different elephant) they place bee hives at strategic locations to prevent ingress of elephants.
Why not grow them their own field of food? They need food for themselves
The boxes were fun, but the evolution has to come from us. We share this world
So cute! Elephants are adorable ❤
Elephant blocking traffic. That rich. I would say turn into a nature reserve and hire the locals as rangers
Majestic Creature ❤❤❤
Hunan birth control!!!!!¡!!