Predator Abilities Unleashed (Full Episode) | World’s Most Lethal – Video

Predator Abilities Unleashed (Full Episode) | World’s Most Lethal – Video

Super Powered Animal Predators

They’re not comic book heroes but each of these predators has abilities that defy the imagination faster than a speeding bullet armed with x-ray vision they’re hypnotic they’re transformers and they can smell their prey from two miles away they’re the world’s deadliest animals and they’ve got super powers the world’s top predators Are experts on the hunt

The Grizzly Bear’s Super Sense of Smell

The grizzly bear is widely known as one of the most massive and ferocious predators in the natural world it may also have one of the most powerful senses of smell on earth The scent detecting area of a grizzly’s nose is 100 times larger than a human’s and it bristles with over a billion receptor cells connected to over 10 million nerve cells sending scent-powered shock waves to the brain it is believed that these bears can smell other bears trash Or even a rotting animal’s carcass in the lean days of winter from more than a mile away it’s that super-powered nose that keeps the grizzly bear alive when a good meal is just a bit harder to come by elk are an occasional meal with young ones just after birth odors Can be particularly strong It’s just a matter of time before the young elk slips up so the chase yields an important meal for this grizzly bear family something that can be even harder to come by in the leanest days of the grizzly bear life cycle thanks to one of the strongest noses on the planet

The Snake’s Super Smell

But even the strongest nose on earth can’t smell certain things that this snake can smell because the snake’s super smell uses two different high-powered organs together this snake has nostrils on top of its head plus an extra feature called the jacobson’s organ this organ is a sensor and it allows Snakes to detect chemicals in its surroundings that could lead it to prey enhanced smell for the hunt when this snake and this snake and this snake snap their tongues they’re collecting chemical information about their environment that can’t be detected through an ordinary nose pheromones for example are chemicals That allow animals to send signals to one another a bee will release pheromones to attract other bees this mouse’s pheromones will influence the behavior of other mice and with the help of the jacobson’s organ this python can sense their pheromones first the snake’s tongue flips in the air when it retracts its tongue The snake inserts the fork tip inside its head into the jacobson’s organ which allows the snake to detect the mouse pheromones providing extra information to use to track its prey Nose tongue and jacobson’s organ work together and in an instant the hunter prevails thanks to a tongue that can smell

The Star-Nosed Mole’s Ultra Sensitive Nose

but perhaps the most impressive nose in the animal kingdom is also the most fantastic because of what surrounds it the owner lives below ground in a world of perpetual darkness Surrounded by the crawling creatures on which it prays down here eyes and ears are meaningless and touch is everything This is the realm of the star-nosed mole it gets its name from the 22 appendages or feelers that surround its nose each feeler is covered with thousands of sensory receptors called imers organs that make the star one of the most ultra-sensitive organs of any in the animal kingdom It’s so sensitive it can detect minute particles like a grain of salt buried in a pile of sand

The Kestrel’s Ultraviolet Vision

Back in the daylight super powered vision helps the crafty kestrel scan for prey in an instant it strikes with precision The kestrel is a finely tuned killer successful enough that their territory has spread nearly across the globe the most spectacular weapon in its arsenal are super-powered eyes capable of seeing far beyond the range of human beings capable of seeing in ultraviolet light It’s prey the vole spends much of its time underground or beneath dense vegetation but when the vole moves it marks territory and pathways with urine the markings are invisible even to the vole but they are visible in ultraviolet light and they tell the kestrel exactly where to look for its prey Keen extrasensory vision keeps the kestrel fed thanks to sight in the ultraviolet spectrum 360 degree vision makes life dangerous for a bee

The Jumping Spider’s Eight Eyes

360 degree vision makes life dangerous for a bee whenever a jumping spider is around this acrobatic creature ignores the web when it gets hungry jumping spider is a hunter with eight extra powerful eyes On quiet legs the spider maneuvers into position And then it puts its amazing eyes to work Four eyes on the back of its head scan for movement to its rear While in front four more eyes track the prey the largest eyes themselves don’t move but inside the eye the retinas can scan back and forth With great distance vision for a creature this size the jumping spider stalks its prey while the bee feeds the spider climbs into place eight eyes and eight legs ready to pounce the spider continues carefully into position it connects a silk tether to its perch unaware the bee laps up nectar The spider sizes up its jump Calibrating an exact landing before attack a perfect hit the usefulness of wrap-around vision doesn’t stop till the bee is dead because while it struggles the spider still keeps an eye on that stinger and finally success one less bee in the garden

The Shark’s Super Sensory Organs

In the ocean sharks are among the most streamlined Inefficient hunters on earth and they’ve honed all their senses into lethal weapons sight smell taste touch and sound but a shark not only sees and hears its prey it can feel it first many sharks have a sensory organ that runs the length of the shark’s body And fans out on its head and jaw called the lateral line it’s full of nerves that pick up subtle vibrations and pressure changes in the water it is so finely tuned that when combined with its other senses a shark can detect prey from over a mile away Next pores in the shark’s head called ampullae of lorenzini are groups of sensory cells that can detect weak electrical charges such as the heartbeats or muscle movements of creatures hidden in sand each ampulla is filled with a jelly-like substance that reacts to changes in pressure temperature or electrical conductivity These pores are so sensitive that if two flashlight batteries were placed a thousand miles apart and a single wire were strung between them a shark could detect the charge

When hunting for a meal sharks may call upon all of their senses the distant sound of splashing might alert them to possible prey Or perhaps the scent of blood draws them in closer in their excellent eyesight may come into play vision and ampullae of lorenzini along with smell and hearing all function in unison to plot a deadly path a bone-crushing artery-splitting bite satisfies the shark’s sense of taste

The Scorpion’s Sensory Organs

scorpions have a sixth sense too Which comes in handy for hunting at night if their venomous tails don’t get you their legs will each footstep sounds like the t-rex in jurassic park Organs on the scorpion’s legs sense the shock waves and if there is an insect moving within three feet of it the scorpion will detect

Video “Predator Superpowers (Full Episode) | World's Deadliest” was uploaded on 07/03/2022 by Nat Geo WILD Youtube channel.