Predicting Israel’s Future by Examining its Past: Marwan Bishara

Predicting Israel’s Future by Examining its Past: Marwan Bishara

In a recent video on Al Jazeera, senior political analyst Marwan Bishara delves into the complex history of Israel to shed light on its future. Bishara believes that to accurately predict what lies ahead for Israel, one must first look back at its past, particularly the events of the last six decades.

According to Bishara, the occupation of the West Bank has been a key factor in shaping Israel’s trajectory. Since 1967, the occupation has only deepened and expanded, leading to a surge in illegal settlements and settlers in the region. Bishara points out that there are now over 700,000 illegal settlers living in the West Bank, a figure that continues to grow year by year.

The consequences of this ongoing occupation are dire, as Bishara notes the alarming increase in settler violence in recent years. He highlights that rogue settlers are now carrying out acts of violence alongside the Israeli army, further fueling tensions in the region.

By examining Israel’s past actions and policies, Bishara offers a sobering perspective on the country’s future. He argues that without addressing the root causes of the ongoing occupation and settlement expansion, Israel risks perpetuating the cycle of violence and conflict in the region.

As the situation in Israel and the Palestinian territories continues to evolve, Bishara’s analysis serves as a timely reminder of the importance of understanding the past in order to navigate the challenges of the future. With his insights, Bishara aims to provide a critical lens through which to view Israel’s path forward, urging policymakers and leaders to learn from history to shape a more peaceful and just future for all involved.

Watch the video by Al Jazeera English

Video “The best way to predict Israel’s tomorrow is by looking at its yesterday: Marwan Bishara” was uploaded on 10/11/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English