Rangers in Sierra Leone combat deforestation and illegal gold mining in Kambui Hills Reserve

Rangers in Sierra Leone combat deforestation and illegal gold mining in Kambui Hills Reserve

In the Kambui Forest Hills Reserve, located in Sierra Leone, a dedicated team of rangers from the National Protected Area Authority are waging a battle against deforestation and illegal gold mining. The lush wilderness of Sierra Leone is under threat as these rangers work tirelessly to protect the precious ecological balance of the region.

Deforestation, driven by logging and clear-cutting for agriculture, poses a serious threat to the delicate ecosystems of the Kambui Forest Hills Reserve. The rangers are on the frontlines, patrolling the vast expanse of land to prevent illegal logging and protect the diverse plant and animal species that call this reserve home.

In addition to deforestation, illegal gold mining is also a major concern in the area. The rangers are constantly monitoring and dismantling unauthorized mining operations that not only damage the environment but also pose a threat to the local communities who rely on the land for their livelihoods.

The work of these dedicated rangers is crucial in ensuring the conservation and protection of Sierra Leone’s wilderness for future generations. Through their efforts, they are not only safeguarding the biodiversity of the Kambui Forest Hills Reserve but also upholding the importance of sustainable practices in preserving our natural resources.

Watch the video by FRANCE 24 English

Video “Sierra Leone: Rangers fight against deforestation and illegal gold mining in Kambui Hills Reserve” was uploaded on 07/19/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English