Report: Trump Staff Allegedly ‘Pushed Aside’ Arlington Cemetery Worker – Video

Report: Trump Staff Allegedly ‘Pushed Aside’ Arlington Cemetery Worker – Video

In a controversial move that has sparked outrage and backlash, President Donald Trump’s recent visit to Arlington National Cemetery has come under scrutiny after reports surfaced alleging that a cemetery worker was forcibly pushed aside by Trump’s staff.

The incident, which took place during a photo op at the sacred grounds, has drawn sharp criticism from not only the public but also the U.S. Army, who stated that “political activity” at the cemetery is strictly prohibited. The Army has condemned Trump’s actions, emphasizing the importance of respecting the sanctity of the cemetery.

According to the Army, a female cemetery employee was allegedly pushed aside while trying to block Trump’s team from filming. The Army has stood by the worker, claiming that she was treated inappropriately and that any political activity on the grounds is not allowed.

In response, Trump’s campaign has denied any wrongdoing on their part, stating that there was no pushing involved and shifting the blame onto the worker for any issues that may have arisen. Despite these claims, the video evidence of the incident has sparked outrage and further fueled the controversy surrounding Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery.

The differing reactions from Gold Star family members further highlight the emotional toll of the incident, with some expressing anger and disappointment while others defend Trump’s actions. As the debate rages on, it is clear that the incident at Arlington National Cemetery has struck a nerve and raised questions about the appropriate conduct and respect due to such hallowed grounds.

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Video “Arlington Cemetery Worker Was Allegedly ‘Pushed Aside’ by Trump Staff” was uploaded on 08/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition