German Shepherd stuck in the L.A. River until Loreta and I were called! Happy Valentine's Day!
In this heartwarming video titled “German Shepherd stuck in the L.A. River until Loreta and I were called! Happy Valentine’s Day!”, viewers are taken on a suspenseful journey as a beautiful German Shepherd is found stuck in the L.A. River. Hope seems lost until Loreta and her companion step in to rescue the distressed animal. The video captures the emotional rollercoaster as they work tirelessly to save the helpless dog, showcasing the power of love and compassion. As they successfully free the German Shepherd, they share a heartwarming moment on Valentine’s Day that will warm viewers’ hearts. This touching story serves as a reminder of the importance of coming together to help those in need, no matter the circumstances.
Watch the video by Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel
Video “German Shepherd stuck in the L.A. River until Loreta and I were called! Happy Valentine's Day!” was uploaded on 02/14/2025 to Youtube Channel Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

Oh, I hope he finds his family again. What a sweet boy.
What a handsome sweet boy he is! I'm so glad you caught him and are taking care of him. He's off to a new life now!
Люблю вас

What you do for these creatures from and sometimes even risking your lives is amazi. Have been watching for years. But unfortunately I am not in a financial situation where I can help but my God bless you and keep you safe on your journeys.
Thank you so much for risking your own life to save the puppy

See how happy the dog is after bath!!!
Indeed do Microchip your pets, It's a small fee for vastly increased chance of reunification if the pet ever gets lost. Save yourself and your pet the heartache of becoming separated (or at least increase the chances of you finding each other again by chipping the pet, They are worth it and so are you.
What a beautiful, sweet dog. Thank you for pushing through your fear of heights and rescuing him.
Oh my!!! is my Nixus reincarnated in you Cobra, my nixus boy died last feb.12,2025
thank you for saving cobra Hope For Paws,Happy Hearts Day everyone
Loreta and Eldad are the rescue Dream Team!
A big thanks to Cesar for getting Cobra help!
I have seen a lot of your rescues, this one looked pretty difficult for the dog and rescuers.
You pulled it off perfectly and Cobra really did not looked scared at all, came out of the crate without his tail tucked underneath.
Then to watch Cobra show his gratitude with kisses and smiles was priceless.
Thank you for rescuing this gentle black beauty, Cobra is going to make a great pet and companion to someone, soon I hope.
Today I will be joining the cheeseburger club, I wanted to join months ago when I found this amazing channel but times have been tough since I was injured.
Going to make it work, even if it comes down to selling on eBay lol
Thanks to the rescuers and everyone else that makes these rescues possible.
One last thing… your leash looked so nice on Cobra, really stood out against his black coat and suited him perfectly.
Perfect rescue, loves from Russia!
God bless you! Thank you for what you do!!! Praying Conra finds a forever loving home! Father we ask this in the mighty name of Jesus!!!
So thankful for Cesar for taking care of this pup and reporting to @hopeforpaws. Each of you truly gives me hope in this sometime dark world.
Another incredible effort by you guys (and THANKS, Cesar!) to save another beautiful animal. I wish you all the best in rebuilding the amazing rescue you had before the accident.
I love u guys
Thank you very much Ceasar
Allways spay and neuter allways adopt never buy dogs
Illegals are responsible for thousands of stray animals

Pls update if the person who depended on an Airtag claims their baby
I am so happy to see Loreta again.
How? How can people treat dogs like garbage?

Thank you for all you do!
He is so gourgeous!!! All good Lucky in the world for
He is so sweet, he more a Coby than a cobra
So glad to see you guys again. And more than happy that you managed to rescue this beautiful and sweet boy. Lots of love from Cádiz, Spain.
He is a beautiful dog. I am so glad that you got to him. Please learn to tie bowline knots when you lift a crate or trap like that. There are Youtube tutorials or any Boy Scout could show you how. It is easy and a very secure knot for that purpose. I would hate to see an accident while you do the great work that you do. As a Scout leader, I learned to tie them one handed with my eyes closed. One of my scouts learned to do it and I couldn't let him outdo me.
Your videos are beautiful. Thanks for you work!
The helicopter is the wah 66 comanche
Great rescue!
Such a beautiful animal!
God bless you baby I love you

That wynch was a "best buy" of 2025 so far! Well done everyone.

Amazing rescue!!!! Congrats!!! Gorgeous doggo!

Thanks for saving Cobra. What a beautiful dog.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE what yyou all do

!!!!! AND, I've NEVER seen an ALL black German Shepard in my life!!! AND A HUGE THANK YOU to Cesar for feeding this beautiful dog .

You guys are absolute heroes. Thank you so much for saving Cobra and all those angels. Regards from Paris <3
I’m always amazed by your rescues and the lengths you go to, even with fears. I hope Cobra finds his forever home or the people that did love him. He’s such a sweet Shepherd

A gorgeous name
Aww man he's so handsome! As for the heli at 6:10, it's likely a replica of the American Aircraft Penetrator. Might even be the prototype itself!
Eldad, you've got some big balls to have the nerve to going down that ladder. I had a panic attack just watching.
What a beautiful dog. He can't be very old. Well done!
Thank you.. Thank you so so much

So grateful for your work helping animals
I don't understand why these complex rescues are made by yourselves, not searching help from fire dept, that they can open a way without risk your own life
German Shepherd black?

Wow first time see
Sorry my poor english