Romania’s constitutional court has made a groundbreaking decision to annul the results of the first round of voting in the presidential election, which means the entire election process will have to start over. The initial winner of the first round was Calin Georgescu, a relatively unknown far-right politician who has expressed support for Russian President Vladimir Putin in the past.
The court’s ruling was based on the declassification of intelligence documents that suggested Georgescu had been the beneficiary of a large-scale influence operation conducted from abroad. This operation was believed to have been aimed at manipulating the outcome of the election in Georgescu’s favor.
This turn of events has caused a major disruption in Romania’s political landscape and has put the country on the international stage. The situation has also raised concerns about foreign interference in the country’s democratic processes.
The decision to rerun the first round of the election has sparked significant debate and controversy among the Romanian public, with many questioning the legitimacy of the initial results and calling for a thorough investigation into the matter.
As the country prepares to restart the presidential election process from scratch, all eyes will be on Romania to see how the situation unfolds and how the new round of voting will impact the country’s political future.
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Video “Romania court orders rerun of presidential election first round | BBC News” was uploaded on 12/06/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News
seems a bit nihilistic to allow people that want to destroy democracy to run in elections lol
The left at again "Protecting Democracy"
As a romanian i can say that we have different opinions and now in Romania people are divided in 2 parts. But what i can say is that all of this is happening because of the corruption and because of the fake news at televisions . They tried very hard to show a bad face of Calin Georgescu and denigrate him by cutting piece's of his videos and show them after as pro Rusia pro Putin, anti Europa and anti Nato. But all this are only lie's made for people to believe that he will put Romania back in 80's and get them scared. The truth is that Calin Georgescu he never said something bad about Europa or Nato, he never said that he don't want Romania to be part of Europe anymore he said exactly the opposite of all of this. He never said that he is pro Putin . Actually he was speaking very smart and nice about all of the leaders of the world, showing respect and diplomacy for all of them.
What is happening now in Romania is against of people wish, we know Calin Georgescu not from tik tok, we love him, we support him and we want him as our president. Most of us we dont believe that there it was a Russian interference but yes we believe that there it is a corruption interference because they are afraid of Calin Georgescu. We voted him not because of tik tok, we voted him because we trust him, because we are tierd of actuale politician's and them lies, we voted him because we want a change, a better Romania.
There is not about Russian interference, there is about someone doesn't like our choice, someone doesn't wanted Calin Georgescu as our president, someone is afraid about what he can do good for the Romanian people . All this is a big lie against Calin Georgescu and is a game of power and manipulation.
But most of the romanian people we will keep voting him, he is our president, he is the one we choose.
I voted today in Diaspora with Calin Georgescu and i will do it every time. All this lies against him will not change my mind.
About the money spend for his campaign he never lied. He never spend his money or government money to sustain him self. If someone else decided to believe in him and to support him it was his right and his choice. Anyone can spend his money on what they want. Nobody never find any connections between Calin Georgescu and the person who supported and financed his campaign.
Someone on tik tok believed in what Calin Georgescu can do for Romania, trusted him and decided by him self to spend his money in this way, this is not ilegal, any of us we can put any content on tik tok, but in the end, WEMMM ROMANIAN PEOPLE…we are the ones who voted for him….and not on tik tok, not online but live , trough our presence at the polls .
We don't care about cybernetic issues we care about what we wish. And most of us we wish Calin Georgescu to be PRESIDENT OF ROMANIA.
RIP DEMOCRACY 1989-2024!!!!!…FUCK USA…they did this shiet in Romania.
USA killed democracy in Romania!
Fake news! People voted in a landslide for Călin Georgescu. The EU deep state warmonger lunatics canceled the election. Election interference! THE EU IS AFRAID THAT ROMANIA WILL VETO UNDER CALIN GEORGESCU FUNDS TOWARDS UKRAINE IN EU COUNCIL.
we should do the same thing in russia. sending them 50.000 lgbtq bots on their russian facebook.
Ban Tik Tok now!
Quick info for everyone to understand , this "Romania court" is actually a politically based court, that has ONLY members from the political parties that used to rule the country. No official proof so far regarding the so called russian intervention (just probably and possibly), but we are still waiting for it.
The EU Scum have got their dabs all over this.
World is going crazy!!
He never said he will leave NATO, he never said that he will leave the EU and he never said that he’s pro Russian. Absolute cinema, you guys are absolutely incredible what can I say
BBC = Propaganda machine. Călin Georgescu is a friend of the Trump administration, with a similar agenda to Trump's
Important Clarification: the president of Romania does not run the country, the government does.
The president oversees foreign affairs.
The president of Romania does not have the same constitutional powers as the president of France or USA, but a little bit more than pres. of Italy or Germany for example.
The ROMANIAN people no longer want the current leadership that gave the country to foreigners, most of them from Europe, for nothing. THE ROMANIAN PEOPLE want Mr. Calin Georgescu!
The power doesn’t want him the people vote him to be our president
Of course there is a government in place at the moment. The current government is in place until the next on is formed. What are these journalists smoking?
Same ,, colusion ,, like in first Trump election, russians, russians, pathetic.. The deep state is afraid of suveranists .
They spent our money for election and they want more!Please BBC give to all the world this is not possible in a democratic country to make either us something like this
Its really weird and bewildering how anybody who is against the war in ukraine and critical of nato and west's policy towards Russia as pro- putin,,,,,and more sad seeing minority water headed europeans who doesn't seem to see the fall of germany and France's economy as a signal to whats coming to them all if they stay their course,,,,,so stupid indeed
Unfortunately Mr Georgescu was found to have illegal activity on Tik TOK and across a few media, indicating also Russian implications. Bots, crypto currencies transactions, millions of euros, hundreds influencer who would get money for posting videos, speaking indirectly about CG.
Also the guy was pro legionarism and admired few communist and legionars personalities. This equals BETRAY OF THIS COUNTRY!
In Romania from today is not democratic Romania from today is dictature Iohanis is a corrupt president who is afraid of geal.
There BBC muppets are erand boys reading from their master's script
They want to keep the corrupt crooked political class. They won't allow change.
Romanians People want Calin Georgescu!!!!
The Russian Federation finally lost it's last claw hanging onto Romania's freedom. At last !
Minciunile sri și ccr. S au dat bani sa fie ales Călin Georgescu? Minciuni. Grupul care îl sprijină pe Georgescu este cel al unor agricultori care vor agricultura ecologica și mâncare adevărată nu săpun și chimicale și ulei de motor. Cei care au primit banii sunt influenceri care distribuie despre agricultura eco și bio. Aceștia aveau și alte chestii de sugerat pe net consumatorilor. Ccr și sri va bloca toată reclama la covrigi cred de acum înainte. E comic. Niște tembeli inculți
Nu e definitiva decizia lor ptr ca nu are nimeni Putere sa treaca peste decizia Poporului. Ce se intampla aici este mult mai complex, vor sa faca romanii sa se complaca si sa accepte inca 5 ani de hotie. Sunt experimente la scara mondiala cu si despre clasa sociala care tine 13 familii de oligarhi in carca, ce au ca puppets toate trusturile media, guvernele, indiferent de ce tara vorbim, poate doar Iran, Korea de Nord si inca cateva tari, in rest este doar dezbinare prin dezinformare cu ajutorul unor papagali influnceri, oameni din media ce se joaca cu oamenii si le schimba opinea cum vor ei. Acesti tradatori de neam care vor regreta alegerile facute de a se vinde oligarhilor ptr a-si sabota propria tara, care se dau de partea noastra, creaza dualitate, dar de fapt ei sunt mana in mana cu SISTEMUL.
Acum se joaca cartea finala, in functie de reactia Poporului ei vor face jocurile. Daca oamenii se complac si accepta ca voturile lor sa nu conteze, inseamna ca nivelul de manipulare a ajuns la cote maxime si aceasta tara va fi dezbinata in continuare, aceasta tara care deja e vanduta de multi ani, nici macar tara nu mai e, este un SRL, cum spunea Georgescu, dar trebuie sa gandesti sa intelegi, iar intr un sistem care a creat deja in proportii covarsitoare oameni NPC, nu poti sa le ceri nimic unora care vor sa ramana in acelasi sistem judeocomunist cu valente lgbt.
Doar Dumnezeu mai poate face ceva,
Trebuie doar sa facem primul pas si sa credem cu tarie ca meritam sa traim in concordanta cu legile naturale ale Creatorului in pace si armonie;
Si nu dupa legile facute de aceste creaturi ale lui molloch care vor sa subjuge omenirea.
Cu Dumnezeu inainte!
So you all know, this guy stated a while ago that NATO is a joke, the Deveselu shield is shameful and that under him there will be no political parties. 😂
Nu e pro
rus, vroia negociere pt.pace,isi dorea pacea pt.poporul lui,dar sunt interese obscure care,nu-si doreau schimbarea . Poporul roman la votat in nr mare si dupa sondaje in turul doi era cotat cu 65%.