Santa Training Academy: A Hilarious Family Comedy

Santa Training Academy: A Hilarious Family Comedy

In the heartwarming and hilarious comedy “Santa Bootcamp,” directed by Melissa Joan Hart and written by Michael J. Murray, viewers are taken on a festive journey to find the perfect Santa for a Christmas gala hosted by shopping mall magnate Ed Mancini.

Emily, played by the talented Emily Kinney, is tasked with finding the ideal Santa to bring joy and excitement to the event. To do so, she heads to Santa Bootcamp, where she hopes to find not only the perfect Santa but also the inspiration she needs to make the evening a magical success.

With the help of the lovable and talented Rita Moreno, who plays a key role in the film, Emily navigates the challenges and hilarity of Santa Bootcamp as she searches for the perfect fit for the role of Santa.

Filled with heartwarming moments, laugh-out-loud comedy, and a touch of romance, “Santa Bootcamp” is a must-watch for the whole family. Get ready to be filled with the holiday spirit as you watch this charming and entertaining film that is sure to become a Christmas classic for years to come.

Watch the video by Cinéma Cinémas

Video “Santa Bootcamp (Comedy, Family) Full Movie” was uploaded on 12/20/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas