The beloved Minions are back with a brand new mini-movie titled “Fly Hard.” In this exclusive sneak peek, fans get a glimpse of the hilarious adventures that the mischievous yellow creatures embark on. The mini-movie is only available when you purchase the action-packed #MigrationMovie on Digital, 4K & Blu-ray on February 27.
Join the Minions as they navigate through obstacles, challenges, and of course, lots of comedic moments. With their signature humor and unique charm, this mini-movie is sure to be a hit with audiences of all ages.
Don’t miss out on the fun – check out the sneak peek of “Fly Hard” and get ready to laugh and be entertained by everyone’s favorite yellow troublemakers. Get your copy of #MigrationMovie and watch the full mini-movie for more uproarious Minion antics.
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Video “MINIONS Mini-Movie “Fly Hard” Sneak Peek (2024) Exclusive” was uploaded on 02/23/2024 to Youtube Channel