Solving the US Teacher Shortage: Strategies for Success | Randy Seriguchi Jr. | TED – Video

Solving the US Teacher Shortage: Strategies for Success | Randy Seriguchi Jr. | TED – Video

The US Has a Teacher Shortage — Here’s How To Fix It | Randy Seriguchi Jr. | TED

In the United States, there is a historical shortage of teachers. Despite being the richest country in the world, millions of students are affected by the presence of unqualified or substitute teachers. This shortage has a direct impact on educational outcomes, with the US ranking poorly in international assessments such as the TIMSS. To address this issue, innovative solutions are needed to attract and retain teachers in the profession.

Randy Seriguchi Jr., an expert in teacher recruitment, highlights the importance of investing in teachers to improve student outcomes. Drawing inspiration from the G.I. Bill post-World War II, which supported veterans in education and workforce development, Seriguchi proposes a similar investment in teachers. By providing financial support, housing, educational opportunities, and holistic wellness programs, the US can create a sustainable environment for teachers to thrive.

Innovations such as the Urban Ed Academy in San Francisco showcase the impact of investing in male Black teachers specifically. By addressing systemic barriers and providing targeted support, the educational landscape can be transformed for the better. As Seriguchi emphasizes, when we build a system that treats male Black teachers well, we build a system that benefits all teachers. By coming together as a community to support educators, we can ensure the success of our students and the future of our nation.

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Video “The US Has a Teacher Shortage — Here’s How To Fix It | Randy Seriguchi Jr. | TED” was uploaded on 05/15/2024 to Youtube Channel TED