Ten-Year-Old Hero Rescues Family From Deadly Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – Video

Ten-Year-Old Hero Rescues Family From Deadly Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – Video

In a heartwarming and inspiring story, 10-year-old Matteo Policano saved his family from nearly fatal carbon monoxide poisoning in their West Virginia home. It all began when Matteo was up late playing video games and heard a beeping sound. Despite initially thinking it was just the door’s keypad, Matteo decided to wake up his dad to investigate further. It turned out that the carbon monoxide alarm was going off, signaling a dangerous situation.

Fearing for their safety, Matteo’s mom, Whitney, quickly called 911 and got everyone out of the house. The fire department later confirmed that gas from their pool heater was leaking into their home, putting them at risk of serious harm. Thanks to Matteo’s quick thinking and decisive actions, a potentially tragic situation was averted.

This incredible story serves as a reminder of the importance of having working carbon monoxide alarms in the home and staying vigilant about potential dangers. Matteo’s bravery and quick response undoubtedly saved his family from a life-threatening situation, and serves as a shining example of how even the youngest among us can make a huge difference in times of crisis.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “10-Year-Old Saves Family From Nearly Fatal Carbon Monoxide Poisoning” was uploaded on 06/15/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition