Sailing enthusiasts, get ready for an exciting glimpse into the future of sailing technology! In their latest video, the dynamic duo behind Gone With the Wynns take us on a tour of the METS show in Amsterdam to showcase the top tech innovations set to revolutionize the sailing industry by 2025.
From lightning protection to anchor monitoring, rigging upgrades to sensor advancements, every aspect of sailing gear is getting a high-tech makeover. The METS show, known as the CES of the boating world, is a treasure trove of cutting-edge innovations that promise to make navigating the seas easier, safer, and more efficient.
Join Jason and Nikki Wynn as they explore the latest trends in sailing technology and give us a sneak peek into the future of sailing. With upgrades in sensors, apps, and design, it’s clear that the sailing industry is on the cusp of a major transformation.
Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a curious adventurer, this video is a must-watch for anyone eager to see how sailing is changing and evolving for the better. Stay ahead of the curve and dive into the exciting world of future-forward sailing tech with Gone With the Wynns.
Watch the video by Gone with the Wynns
Video “How Sailing Is Changing!” was uploaded on 01/12/2025. Watch all the latest Videos by Gone with the Wynns on Gretopia
Holy s……! Still not on the boat. My heart would be dead by now.
It must be tough, watching all these boat products, and not having a boat to return to.
Looking forward to the electric motor reviews.
Hi all Barry n Berrel lol 2025 more sailing less maintenance lol
once again some very interesting contributions thank you!
Lightening lab…yes please

Even this non sailor enjoyed that. I spent a lot of money in my head on your behalf! I’ll take one of those and one of those!

Looks fun for you sailors. We're heading to Amsterdam in May to see the Tulips …. who wants to go??? XO, Kelly
I don’t rv, enjoyed your content, I don’t sail yet I enjoy your content. Should would have thoughts, I also enjoy technical videos about stuff I have no clue about. Have a great Sunday ya all
Great overview of a HUGE show. The anchor alarm you highlighted is our next purchase. One additional benefit is that it provides a visual mark of your anchor position. For anyone who has had someone position themselves over the top of your anchor this is a great additional benefit.
Nice job capturing some great highlights of the show.
Wow, what a great video ! Thanks for all the very relevant information.
Graphene is 40 times more conductive than copper and would be the best conductor to ground lightning.
Great show, looking forward to more.
Do you two have an ETA when you’re going to get back to sailing yourselves?
Idea for a new segment.
“Curiosity….Where Is She Now?“
Great video but I'm looking forward to you addressing the elephant in the room. What is going on with your boat? HH made a public announcement about how they were going to prioritize and do the right thing. Then months of nothing and no news. Please do an update video.
This is fantastic! I could not think of a more brilliant and charming couple to enjoy a boat show with. Thank you
Because high tech has worked out so well for you so far ? Simpler is better. Salt air and water are not friendly to anything electrical
Hi Guys, very informative video the part about load sensors I see that Colin from Sailing Parlay Revival had installed them in Mexico before he began his Pacific crossing and was able to have the tension set to the manufacturer specs and then monitor what was happening during the sail.
Ironic that my favorite channel is a sailing one
I started following you as you transitioned into sailing.. it was your RV videos that caught my attention. The fact that living remotely is very similar to boat life. Solar is the key and conscientious consumption. Your positive attitude and dedication to teaching us something new each video is truly inspiring. Wishing you fair weather and following seas
on your own boat 
I saw that chuckle during the comment on carbon fiber and electrolysis.
Always thinking of you both Nicki and Jason, and really hoping for the best outcome for your beautiful boat. Well done fulfilling your episodes with the usual great content we have gotten so spoiled with over the many years. Fingers and toes crossed your wait isn’t too long before you set sail once again on curiosity!
Your boat is a sum of its parts, so cool to see the inner workings of Curiosity. Hopefully you can get back on the water soon.
I prefer the more sit down format of these informative videos. It feels more conversive. Where you're telling us about your experience and thoughts in Amsterdam, instead of just showing us videos of you talking to people. Those are just my thoughts though.
Sorry, I respectfully must disagree with you – because you're off the water because of what ails the sailing industry at the moment. It just sucks that your boat has had such outrageous teething problems.
Yes, all sorts of new and hitech vessels and equipment is about, but it mostly falls to unproven boat builders to implement – and the reults are not pretty! I think it started with the French, heavily goverment subsidised boat building indistry, where boats are mass produced and almost "disposable". Traditional builders don't work like this and they stay safely away from the "bleeding edge", the stay with proven packages with proven equipment.
Now, with exhibitions like this one, non-expert sailors are making buying decisions about exotic products and I'm not so sure the time doing it is not a distraction from the basic stuff they need to depend on.
Pretty bells and whistles though.
It is really cool to see and hear about innovative products. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for sharing.
Interesting; but thought Jason would have found something for the boat that would store his beer longer and colder lol
very informative
That didn't feel like a lot! 27 minutes went by super fast! Amazing information; thanks for bringing it to us! My wallet is hurting b'c I want it all!
Awesome products… however I wish there is a radar that can detect floating logs, fish traps, at night, so no need to worry when sailing where lots of fishing activities…
Wow, this was fascinating!! Thank you
Your hair looks so cute!
Nikki’s hair stylist needs a high five
15 years ago I bought a load cell to connect to the clue or tack and the bow or boom with a cable going back to your cabin this gave me the information you you're now getting from the load cells available. and the results were quite surprising on a 50 foot cat in 20 to 30 knot of breeze down wind well I wouldn't know more than the1000 kg
With my 5000 square-foot outrigger Kite the loads were on 2000 kg
The reason I did this out of our invest in some 5000 square-foot Kite configurations and 3000 ft.² Parasailor and after talking to a number of Navel architects and sail makers no one could give me an approximate loads would be attributed to the boat on connecting to the sail as these were launch 100 foot above the water line to pick up the 15 to 20% per angle and 10 to 20% windspeed
Which in the right down wind conditions allowed you to surf behind a sail .
As we did on Brindabella and the Sydney Hobart 2008 Regatta the wind wasn't strong enough and we could conventionally sail faster .
Nice, but it will be going to uncharted territory like your new boat for the 1st user.
Btw, is there any update on your boat?
Sailing has been slowly becoming more tech forward each year…but this year it seems every piece of gear is getting design upgrades, sensors and apps. We found new discoveries in lightning protection, anchor monitoring, anchoring, rigging, and even sensors that can tell you when it might be time to replace your rigging.
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