The Chaotic Roads of Cairo, Egypt 🇪🇬 – Video

The Chaotic Roads of Cairo, Egypt 🇪🇬 – Video

The streets of Cairo, Egypt are a buzz of activity, and in a new video, viewers are invited to explore them from a unique perspective: the back of a carriage. This video takes you on a ride through the city, passing by the popular Egyptian Museum and providing an up-close look at life in Cairo.

Cruising around the downtown area, the tour gives a glimpse into the bustling city and its historic landmarks. The narrator, who describes this form of transportation as “very popular” and “been around for decades,” introduces viewers to one of the coolest kids they met during their time in Cairo.

But the adventure doesn’t stop there. In addition to exploring the city streets, the video also features interactions with locals and a spontaneous negotiation for a carriage tour. The authenticity and excitement of the experience come through as viewers are given an inside look at the city and its vibrant culture.

From the majestic Nile River to the historic Kasr El Nil Bridge, viewers are given an immersive and captivating tour of Cairo. The video captures the energy and beauty of the city, showcasing the magnificence of its landmarks and the warmth of its people.

Experience the crazy streets of Cairo, Egypt from the back of a carriage in this exciting and immersive video. Join this channel to see the incredible tour and support the production of more captivating videos like this.

Watch the video by Travelwithchris

I GI my C and tomorrow my daughter you marri  daughter you want me to marry your daughter   tomorrow yeah tomorrow yes what time am uh amer  am yeah Amer good you like good friend Egypt friend Arab no arabin no arabin I only know Inaba

We help everybody we want you to back to your home  with a good name I’ve been walking around the city   of Cairo for the last few hours and I just came  to this bridge called kasar elneil Bridge which  

Is very famous for having these huge 19th century  bronze lion statues right in the front reminds me   of the bridge in Budapest and well I decided  to turn back on the camera and film a little   bit because man this area is super beautiful  hey hey what’s up bro how are you what about  

You doing good doing good this area is super  beautiful but there’s also like a lot of um   things to look at a lot of landmarks right in  front of us we got the Cairo Tower right next   door is another Novotel which is pretty cool  I didn’t even know about that location maybe  

I’ll try staying there next time as well but  yeah this part of the city is very interesting   and there’s a lot going on there’s also a lot  of touts walking around trying to tell you to  

Follow them this way and they got friends uh that  have a tour this way and yeah all kinds of things   like that it makes for a very interesting um time  though I’m also noticing that there’s horses here  

Horse carriages maybe we can go in a little on  a little city tour on the back of one of these   huh but yeah let’s get a little view of the river  this here is the Nile River the longest river in  

Africa all right look at this wow what a beautiful  view huh there’s all kinds of bridges that go over   the river as well I’m not sure what all those  buildings are maybe they’re all like Banks oh  

No that’s a Sophie tail that’s a hotel and then  the Novatel is obviously a hotel Cairo Tower I   wonder what’s up there maybe there’s a restaurant  up there I know a lot of uh the big towers around  

The world usually have restaurants up top but  yeah this is uh seriously so real seeing the   N River after you know hearing about it in books  and movies my whole life pretty much it’s unreal   being here and there are some sections that are  just incredibly wi as well right now obviously  

In around the cities it gets narrow um but there  are areas where it literally stretches over 100   km all right well let’s keep walking what’s up  bro huh I look Egyptian I look Egyptian I look  

Like you same same yes same where you come from  us California oh this wife from New York from New   York New York yeah for your wife yeah your wife  lives in New York New York a friend oh you got  

Pictures of all kinds of people there huh New York  oh that’s your wife yeah daugh small daughter wife   you got a small daughter yes a small daughter oh  amazing beautiful family man wow beautiful family  

K how long is it here uh 2 weeks time C yes yeah  it’s a c very very nice very nice place and Tel   is very big yes it’s huge what do you do you work  here he’s here this wife now California what are  

You doing yeah daughter wife in California are you  working right now yes working now here what do you   do for work yeah studying you’re studying studying  art yeah oh art in car oh okay yeah my name is  

Ahmed what’s your name Chris nice to meet you nice  you brother yes and and have a big G shop I give   my cat and tomorrow my daughter you marriage  daughter you want me to marry your daughter   tomorrow yeah tomorrow yes what time so I’m I’m  tomorrow I marry your daughter yeah you’re funny  

Man come oh no no shop today I come back I’ll  come back and look for you I my C business card   where’s your card here come how far hello sir um  how much for the tour you do tour does he do tours  

Or what does he do with the horse horse Bridge  he goes that way yes right and how much does he charge this 600 Egyptian 600 how long how long the 1 Hour 1 hour this is your horse you he  rides he rides yes can tell him um he does

400 500 okay 500 450 500 450 500  500 which one’s yours that’s yours   okay okay I go I go with him I  come back to you tomorrow okay where where you where do we go where  do we go yeah yeah okay okay cool thank you oh this is

Awesome okay thank you all right well now  we are on on a carriage here in Cairo I   mean it’s pretty interesting how life works  huh I wonder what’s all going on here oh man what’s

Happening no I don’t want to go to the shop no  shop no shop business cut here yeah but it’s   okay no shop just t no shop thank you thank you  thank you okay thank you I’d come back and look  

For you if I want some Arts thank you all right  well I guess he was trying to convince him to   take him to the shop no shop CD Tour all right  well we’re off okay this is pretty cool now I’ve  

Actually seen a lot of locals running around on  these um carriages as well what’s your name my   name’s Chris yours ah hotman H hotman nice to meet  you bro you from Cairo you you’re home Kyro nice

Beautiful all right I was I wasn’t expecting  to um actually jump on one of these I seen   some local families riding them around and  I have a feeling that it works almost like   a taxi but they hang out around all the  tourist areas because that’s obviously  

Where they’re going to make the most money  on from their clients hey what’s up bro all right baz uh no Bazar just just go around uh 30  minutes yeah yeah yeah we can do a little   tour look there’s people having picnics oh man  fast oh man all right hopefully hopefully these  

Horses are well taken care of but like I said and  like I always mention when we end up in situations   like this this is how this man makes a living this  how a lot of people make a living it’s not up to  

Us to decide how people should make their livings  you know you can’t come from a a Western Country   and try and uh tell other people how to live their  lives you know what I’m saying what’s up very good  

You’re a good driver how old how many years you  no you no 10 10 years old 15 15 you 15 yeah you   look like you’re 15 man [Music] I actually saw a  lot of young uh really young kids out working um  

In the bizar selling food running around with  aprons and all kinds of teas I mean the people   out here are on the Hustle Man The Grind doesn’t  stop yeah see there’s more horse carriages over   in that direction as well and it’s not hot at  all I can imagine that uh during the summer  

I can imagine that during the summer man it’s  brutal for the horses out here but uh right now   it’s so fresh and cool in Cairo oh that’s nice  I like it very nice what’s the name Bas basuta basuta I see a lot of McDonald’s advertisements  too there’s McDonald’s everywhere huhs I got you  

They want tips and the price of the tour I’m  going to give the kid the the 500 you want me   to sit right there oh okay oh it’s okay I  can Captain Captain the uh the horse with you oh that’s cool oh you  want me to drive it all right W

Salam thank you thank you oh you take take me picture driving the  horse all right found a new job here in Egypt   I’m never going home bisti B BCA let’s go go  go go thank you bro thank you man Egypt Cairo  

Is such a cool City very cool place it’s big  huh very big place Pyro mus oh okay mus m m   okay that sounds like Marhaba which means welcome  in Arabic who’s this guy who statue done in Opera  

Opera oh okay Opera statue I think I mean what a  great perspective of the city right I mean being   on the top of this uh Carriage it gives you a  completely different look I mean you get to see  

It really admire all the architecture and move  around a lot faster than you would if you were walking hey tips 500 you told me okay  we’ll see good sour okay we go to um   yeah here I car right here oh yeah thank  you good idea I got all my souvenirs for  

My hunt there this morning all right that’s  a Steinberger Hotel a bunch of cafes what is this oh Ritz Carlton that’s the Ritz  Carlton to be honest that doesn’t look   like a really nice rich Carlton am uh am am  yeah amiki good you like good friend Egypt

Friendi yeah yeah yeah everybody welcome  to Egypt huha Egypt Egypt yeah yeah yeah this year is square carage Carriage carage  Carriage horse carage horse T tar square is tar   oh okay we’re going to go around it but yeah  this here is tared square it’s one of like the  

Most um Central points in the city from what  I was reading online it’s very beautiful as   well this is actually where I got onto um to  the horse right here at the kasar elil elil bridge I mean there’s truly it’s actually  quite nice being up here to be honest I mean  

I recommend a little City Tour by Carriage  why not brings you back in time a little bits wow what an interesting look from  up here huh it’s nice because you could   actually look down at all the cars from up here  hey Toyota Arab no arabin no arabin I only know amum in

Sh that’s it bro that’s all I know we’re  good though cuz Smiles are Universal and   that’s all you need to know people  always ask me yo Chris don’t you need   to know the language or at least  some few Basics yeah it’s always  

Good too but guys Smiles are Universal  Man Good Vibes are Universal you know I actually just got done walking from this  street oh this is the tower a better look   at the tared tower tared Square okay  I think now we’re heading back towards  

The bridge um where I actually  jumped onto this horse carriage on police no ambulance ambulancia  emergency Mustafa Mustafa Mustafa but yeah this uh little carriage  right I mean it is quite pricey he told me   500 and um to be honest I was literally  in an Uber for an hour for around 180  

Something I mean it is a drastic difference I  should have probably bargained but why not it   makes for a real great experience right all  right let’s see what happens [Music] here traffic all right I don’t know how  he’s going to try and squeeze the  

Horse and the carriage in between  these cars but we’ll figure it out yo only in Egypt man this is fun Egypt good good good good place casar nil Neil we cross elneil okay I like  this tour actually we’re about to cross elneil now  

I’m sure he could do without whipping the horse  so much but um to be honest I see I I I see that   every time you ride horses I mean everywhere in  the world they always give them a little a kick  

Or a whip of some sort I not familiar with animals  at all and I’ve never had horses around in my life   so I don’t know nothing about them but yeah this  place is beautiful what is this a AER Opera us  

Us us oh it’s a house oh damn that’s a big ass  house the Egyptian flag is super beautiful as well all right so now we’re about to cross the  water and yeah 600 guys is like 600 is man it’s  

Roughly like $20 so yeah this is like a $20 ride  because I’m going to give him the the 100 as a   tip you know uh but yeah I guess that’s that’s  actually what I paid in Tunisia around 20 bucks so  

Maybe that’s just the going price I’m not too sure  all right now we’re back at the bridge we actually   started the tour right there and now we’re coming  up this way the lion wow that’s beautiful kaido

Tower and this is the Nile theil the Neil the Neil  River the biggest river in Africa okay okay yeah   a lot of people come here to take pictures you  see a lot of tourists on the bridge it’s very nice there’s like restaurants along the side too  that’s a restaurant night oh discotech discotech  

Oh that’s the club we might go there tomorrow  then Friday tomorrow tomorrow good tomorrow   deep party no no no no no you you party you  no let’s go me you all right all right me you   party all right we’re gring man this is fun  okay I don’t know exactly what I’m going to  

Do once we make it to the opposite side  I think he’s bringing me back to drop me   off back across the bridge but to be honest I  might want to just hang around and walk around  

This area for a while cuz then I’m going to  have to walk back across this bridge and I   really don’t want to do that no Hotel Noel good  hotel good no Hotel good yeah Noel’s good place   SEL sopel good too Sheran Sheran oh okay marot  marot’s over there okay many hotels Season Four  

Seasons wow I see it I see it Four Seasons  the round the round one huh okay wow Four Seasons you know what can you can you  take me to kaido Tower to kaido Tower   yeah I I I drop off there okay Shan  Habibi you say Habibi in Egypt Habibi  

Habibi’s brother right all right or my  abibi means brother or my love that way okay water water no I don’t  want water I’m okay no no no   thank you you have radio shck uh music music nice nice okay you know what I think  I’m going to actually have drop  

Them off have him drop me off right  here and then um we’ll continue on by   foots right now can you drop me right  here leave right here stop stop yes please police Z oh no good for you you get  in trouble by police oh okay okay I stay  

Right here right here right here because  then the other guy’s going to take me to   his shop I get off here yeah thank you oh  oops oh no I’m tangled up in his rope all   right how do I get off of this thing without  dying let’s see all right you know what let  

Me see where is my my dinos all right that  was a good little ride huh nice little fun ride here I give you you have um wait what  is this God I’m so confused right now 50

Okay here let me get off oh let me grab my  backpack and we’re going to do this thank   you where are you from I am from here here  you have um this is you have change 50 give  

Me 50 how much you deal with him 500 but  I’m giving him a tip 50 I need I need 50 Back there’s no change in Egypt huh I gave you 500 tips and then 50 tip 50 me  okay 50 tip and 50 me okay then I will give you   a change I give you 50 give me 50 now yes I will  give you I will give you this is no no worry this  

Is your 200 I’m not running away yes yes yes yes  but I I will okay let’s go let’s go I will give   you thank you thank you I tried to solve problem  thank you thank you don’t be a child I’m not a  

Child know I know thank you thank you I appreciate  you that was nice nice little ride all right so   this is a book area yeah come to near my car for  a second okay wow this is awesome little book shop

Okay so we’ll see what happens what a beautiful  place huh see happen good man and welcome to   Egypt and I know you you are a YouTuber and how  you know me I’m more Rich than you man if you  

Need your 200 take it back I solve your problem  man I don’t I don’t need 200 I just I heard you   to say you get to see what happened not people  Egyptian people there is De people no one said  

Anything bad are respectable people yeah but  no one said nothing bad my friend I solve I   solve your problem I tried to look for a chance  he just made it he just made it something it  

Wasn’t give it I was just taking it change but  I was like okay let’s see what happens okay my   friend let’s see what will happen why you expect  something will happen I didn’t I didn’t expect  

Nothing to happen and you told me to follow you  to your car so obviously when you’re in another   country and you follow someone to their car come  my friend come come I don’t have a chance come on  

Come this this is the 200 in your hand I don’t  want it I just I want 50 yours yes when I give   you the 50 give me the 200 this guy thought that I  was going to talk about like he was trying to scam  

Me or something I didn’t know what if I don’t give  you 5050 don’t give me my 200 okay okay fair but I   was not trying to say that you are a bad person  that’s not what I was saying as a as a YouTuber  

Yeah but I wasn’t saying that for a mistake yes  but I wasn’t I wasn’t saying that feel at home   thank you thank you but I wasn’t isn’t saying  nothing bad about you all right well let’s get  

Our change and let’s get out of here we’ll go  somewhere else cuz he just made that something   that it wasn’t but it’s all good hey that little  tour was awesome though wasn’t it but obviously   like come on if you’re in another country and  someone tells you follow me to my car you’re  

Going to be like oh let’s see what happens it’s  common sense but I guess he just doesn’t have   common sense but yeah obviously super nice guy  but he took it the wrong way so it is what it

Is thank you sir thanks for helping me yeah cuz  the horse carriage guy didn’t have any change and   he was going to keep the 6 uh 600 but that was a  little bit too much I just wanted to give him like  

A little 50 tip you know cuz obviously the ride  was already expensive but there no change huh in   Egypt it’s so hard to find change man it’s very  hard no worries bro my old brother are going to  

Get the change okay is this your shop no this is  my my brother shop what do you do me I will tell   you later okay all right we help everybody here  man we help everybody know Egypt is good I love  

It we help everybody we want you to back to your  home with a good name about the Egyptian people   I know I love about Egypt yes I have good time in  Egypt man and I want you to give a good impression  

About your friends to come back here again thank  you thank you in Egypt if you stay in the street   until 2:00 3:00 midnight you are safe you’re safe  yeah Egypt is very safe so safe I love Egypt you  

I you misunderstood me I was not talking bad  about you I invite you tonight yes but I yeah   but you need to you need you need to accept my  apology because I didn’t I didn’t um this this  

Is your 250 okay this is 250 this is my 200 back  you need a 50 yeah just one and I will give you   the new not that’s a new one not the old one I  will I will keep the old one for me and I will  

Give you the new one thank you thank you can I see  the can I see the difference yes yes it’s oh this   is yeah this is the new one this is the new one  he kept the old one this yes I keep the old one  

For me and I will thank you thank you I appreciate  it where are you from the US California California   my best friend from California really yes my best  friend I hope that if he can see me he’s from San  

Francisco from Pacifica yeah that’s C his name  Matthew Willie Simons Matthew Willie Simons if   somebody know Matthew Willie Simons please help me  to contact with him because I don’t see him for 30  

Years 30 years I don’t see him for 30 years and I  like to see him his name Matthew Willie Simon from   San Francisco he he used to work he used to study  in American University in Cairo and now he’s a he  

Working in a Perle University wow do you mind if  I show my my my phone number no show your business   somebody of your you got a bus card yes no super  nice guy thank you so much bro Al yes if somebody  

Know Matthew please please let Matthew to contact  with me in this number and you do you do tours so   you can contact Mr s if you want to go to the  Pyramids of Giza look man everywhere anywhere  

You want to go in Egypt that’s cool what is more  important for me to contact with my friend mat   Matthew and Matt okay as we said his nickname and  what’s your name Chris and I hope Chris not delete  

This uh no I’m not delete nothing man I not I  don’t delete nothing okay my friend thank you   I appreciate you bro close your phone and I tell  you thank you man how long close your phone oh  

Close your phone what was that so I actually ended  up following s back to his car man very nice guy   uh misunderstanding we had nice guy but if you  come to Egypt I wish I would have known about  

Him before because look he actually just showed me  this little Journal that was made by a journalist   in Germany and his pictures are everywhere in here  and you showed her around you took her everywhere  

In Cairo yes wow and you can imagine like being  in a private car with a local you have an amazing   experience so next time when we come with some  time I’m going to come see you all right s man  

This is awesome wow this is so cool this is an  Islamic Kyo Islamic Islamic Cairo The Old City   many places here more than 700 years is that by um  KH KH KH this is the tourist area I speak up the  

Other side where is the city of the Dead oh okay  city of zad where where is the people live in the   Tomb there and there is a lot of a beautiful old  mosque and there is amazing Church the cave Church  

Inside the mountain Simon Simon Simon Church yes  have you visited mon yes have you visited no not   yet okay yet but when you go there be sure that  you are inside car because you have to pass by  

The city of garbage and there is too much smell  okay okay and this is only the road to the Simon   Church okay okay all right well thank you s okay  my friend again please I wish to contact my with  

My friend Matthew mat through you Matt because  maybe Allah send you to me exactly could be it   could be contact with Matthew well I hope you see  him again inshah all right well take care s thank  

You sir this is this is my my number again if  somebody can I keep this okay sir if somebody who   know Matthew let Matthew to contact with me okay  thank you thank you m take care sir take care s  

What a legend man good guy so um yeah if you guys  want to do a little tour right here on the El Neil   Bridge you’ll be able to find him so yeah just a  little misunderstanding and he had it completely  

Right A lot of people come to Egypt and literally  just talk about all the scams in Egypt and try and   just film the negative things but yeah I don’t  know it’s I’m I’ve I’ve just arrived and it’s  

Been nothing but love this entire day obviously  there are a little touts a couple touts like in   torist areas but that’s pretty much everywhere  however for the most part I feel like Cairo is   yeah very welcoming friendly City at least as of  right now but yeah um completely understand what  

That man is saying I think I talked to you guys  about that in the first video that I made here on   the channel a lot of people come here only share  the negative sides of Egypt and completely just  

Avoid all the positive things and that kind of  sucks so don’t be one of those people Egypt is   awesome um love it so far I’m excited to see  what the future holds here in this uh country  

And I look forward to sharing a lot more videos  with you guys now for now I’m going to I’m going   to sign off and I’ll see you guys again for a  new adventure from somewhere here in Cairo or  

Who knows maybe I’ll sign back on on in a second  here actually you know what maybe we should walk   towards the base of the Cairo Tower actually you  know what let’s walk towards the base of the Cairo  

Tower and then we can actually all I can show you  what it looks like around there and then we can   head off back to well where I’m staying to freshen  up a little bit and relax we have made it into the  

Area of the Cairo Tower this here is like the main  entrance and the tower is right there to the left   of us and yeah it is pretty big it does look like  there’s some observation decks up at the top and  

At the bottom it does look like there might be a  a restaurant or something I’m not too sure we’ll   get a little closer right now and I’ll show you  guys but I don’t think I’m actually going to go  

Up right now because I have plans on doing that  later on this week oh wow I wonder what’s cooking   up in here hello oh sweet potatoes wow that smells  nice if I hadn’t well if I had an appetite I’d  

Probably eat something but man every time I have  long travel days my appetite’s like thrown off for   a solid 3 4 days and I haven’t really had much of  a craving to eat anything last night at the Nova I  

Had a big dinner and this morning in omelets but  yeah other than that the last two days I haven’t   ate much so wow look at this tree this looks like  a ban tree it is awesome look at the horse eating  

He’s trying to get all the last bits and pieces  hello so yeah a lot of tourists here in this area   but that’s obviously because well we’re visiting  the Cairo Tower which is one of one of the like  

The most popular landmarks in the city and I can  only imagine that the views from up there are stunning so there’s a ticket office right  behind me and the entrance is actually only   70 Egyptian pounds to enter and they actually  have different prices they got a ticket for  

150 and one for 300 but I couldn’t really um see  what all that entails but look at this this here   is the Cairo Tower it is impressive it’s super  tall and it’s nice to see that um you know they  

Have places like this viewing decks observation  decks for uh tourists and the locals to both be   able to come and enjoy well you know what guys  I think um I’m not actually going to go up there  

Right now I’m going to save that for my plans  for later on this week but for now I think I’m   going to I’m going to go home relax take a little  bit of time to um catch up on some sleep this jet  

Lag is absolutely killing me right now and I’ll  see you guys again soon for another video from   here in Egypt a lot more videos from here in Egypt  later guys you always smart I was the one to take

Video “The Crazy Streets of Cairo, Egypt 🇪🇬” was uploaded on 01/17/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by Travelwithchris on Gretopia