The Crucial Role of AR in Cultural Preservation: Uncovering History with Kilma S. Lattin at TEDxSanDiego – Video

The Crucial Role of AR in Cultural Preservation: Uncovering History with Kilma S. Lattin at TEDxSanDiego – Video

In the video “Unveiling History; AR’s Role in Cultural Preservation | Kilma S. Lattin | TEDxSanDiego”, Kilma S. Lattin takes us on a journey through time and space using augmented reality (AR) technology to uncover the hidden historical and cultural significance of various locations. Beginning with a visit to a bridge in downtown Kansas City where Native Americans once traded with French merchants in the 1800s, Lattin transports us to different eras and events that have shaped the landscape we see today.

Drawing on his own experiences of straddling two worlds as a Native American growing up between a reservation and a city, Lattin emphasizes the importance of preserving and honoring cultural heritage through the use of AR and geolocation. By digitizing traditional games, language learning tools, and cultural artifacts, Lattin showcases how technology can help bridge the gap between the past and the present, offering a deeper understanding and connection to our surroundings.

Ultimately, Lattin’s work serves as a groundbreaking way to transform ancient traditions into a modern digital format while respecting the sacredness of cultural teachings. Through the power of AR, Lattin invites us to imagine a world where every place is a window into the rich tapestry of history and culture that surrounds us, paving the way for a more immersive and meaningful exploration of our shared heritage.

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Beyond the Metaverse! See how emerging technologies are being used to transform culture and place-based learning. The birth of digital culture is building bridges between the past and the present, for our future. , , , #TEDxSpeaker #TEDxSanDiego #TEDtalk #AR #Culture #History #Digital #Technology Kilma Lattin is a futurist, a military aviator, and a formerly elected Tribal Leader. He believes that every square mile has a story and that geolocated XR content will transform public and private spaces into place-based immersive and interactive experiences for education, entertainment and advertising. His projects have won an Emmy Award, been featured in the Smithsonian Institute, and his company OurWorlds was the 2022 winner of the Launch Competition for, “best EdTech start up.” Kilma Lattin is the founder of a cultural-futurism movement known as The OurWorlds Project, which is digitizing culture for the 21st Century. He has studied at the Harvard Business School (executive education: strategy and finance for senior executives), the Harvard JFK School of Government (executive education: innovations in governance), Johns Hopkins (Krieger School, AAP, Intelligence), the University of Southern California (MBA), and UC Santa Barbara (Communication, and History). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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Video “Unveiling History; AR’s Role in Cultural Preservation | Kilma S. Lattin | TEDxSanDiego” was uploaded on 05/08/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks