“Life Cycle” is a thought-provoking science-fiction film that delves into the idea of artificial intelligence and what it means to be truly human. The story follows Carl, a computer programmer who is living a lonely and isolated life in his grandparent’s basement. After years of hard work, Carl finally activates his greatest creation: an animatronic head with artificial intelligence, designed to evolve and eventually become human.
Directed and written by Chris Morvant, the film stars Kory Karam as Carl and Adam Weber as the voice of the animatronic head. The movie explores themes of loneliness, identity, and the boundaries between man and machine. As Carl’s creation begins to learn and grow, both he and the audience are forced to question what it truly means to be alive.
“Life Cycle” is a captivating drama that will leave viewers contemplating the nature of humanity and the possibilities of artificial intelligence. With stellar performances and a thought-provoking script, this film is a must-watch for any cinephile interested in the intersection of technology and humanity.
Watch the video by Cinéma Cinémas
Video “Life Cycle (Science-Fiction) Full Movie” was uploaded on 07/15/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas
Enough of nothing.
C'est pas en français 😞
Cykl życia polegający na ciągłym udoskonalaniu samego siebie w oparciu o model inteligencji. Film wymagający. Niektóre wątki mało czytelne. Końcówka pozostawia więcej pytań niż odpowiedzi. Osobiście polecam każdemu kto rozważa kwestię ewolucji życia, sztucznej inteligencji i duszy nieśmiertelnej.
Bon film psychoologique
Very impressed by the entertainment value and composition, Thank you.
Il est fabuleux ce film, merci Cinéma Cinémas.
C'est de la merde comme tout ce qui représente le monde d'après
Děkuji za české titulky. ❤
Crazy and good movie…
Excellent love it
Have rhe goosky s2. Mild 3d. Show me, please. I wil ever thank you.❤❤❤