“The Good Policeman” is a riveting neo-noir drama that follows the story of a detective, played by Ron Silver, who is faced with a moral dilemma in a complex case. Set in the gritty streets of New York, this film delves deep into themes of justice, family, and loyalty as our protagonist grapples with his duty and conscience.
Directed by (insert director’s name here) and written by (insert writer’s name here), this character-driven thriller blends suspense, drama, and heart, keeping viewers hooked from start to finish. Ron Silver delivers a standout performance, showcasing the internal struggles of a conflicted detective navigating the challenges of his profession.
With a stellar cast and a gripping storyline, “The Good Policeman” is a must-watch for fans of thrilling and thought-provoking cinema. Dive into this suspenseful journey that explores the complexities of morality and duty in the world of law enforcement.
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Video “The Good Policeman | FREE MOVIE (Ron Silver)” was uploaded on 12/27/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
no like frank reagan
Unrealistic story line… Poor dialogue… No plot… Poor editing… jumps too much without connections… Each time I start this film, I give up… This time, I went all the way through… Didn't improve…
👎enough said
Predictable & super heroism horse manure
Watched over half of the movie, but got bored. To slow and plot was unclear.
WOW. HOLY WEED and holy police??
Very unrealistic but I enjoyed the 'dog doodoo' out of it!
Don't enjoy watching 2 man dancing
10 minutes in and I'm outta here
Definitely a wandering story line vacillating between half-baked and well overcooked….!!! I've thoroughly enjoyed Ron Silver in his many supporting cast roles for years. But this script was unsuited to "elevating" him to a Leading Man / Starring Role Status…. 😰
Uniquely striking Joanna Pacula's character again characterizes the ever- probing question of "Nature vs Nurture"…. 🤔🧐😋
👉And Tony Lo Bianco at 1:17:18 was a bit Over The Top….TOO!!! 🤣
Good movie
Ordinary. 2 ⭐️⭐️
Good and entertaining movie, weak story line .
Yes … he is a good actor. Not a bad movie but predictable!
Great actor