The GPI Data Ranks the 8 Most Dangerous Countries in Latin America for 2024

The GPI Data Ranks the 8 Most Dangerous Countries in Latin America for 2024

Latin America is a wonderful region to explore. It is rich in culture, hosts magnificent natural reserves, and offers some of the best cuisines in the world.

Social difficulties, poverty, and a high crime index continue to plague parts of the continent, leading travelers to ask: Which Latin American countries are the most dangerous to visit in 2024?

GPI MAP: Most Dangerous Countries In Latin America

Without further ado, these are the 8most dangerous countries in Latin America according to Global Peace Index:

8. Peru – 123

This nation was ranked at position 123 on the GPI.

Peru, while a captivating destination with its rich history and breathtaking landscapes, can present safety challenges for tourists. One of the primary concerns is petty theft and pickpocketing, especially in crowded tourist areas and public transportation hubs. Tourists may also encounter scams and fraud, such as overpriced services or fake tour operators.

In some regions, particularly remote areas and border regions, there may be issues related to civil unrest, protests, or strikes, which can occasionally disrupt travel plans and pose potential risks to tourists’ safety.

Altitude sickness can affect visitors in higher-altitude locations like Cusco or Arequipa, so acclimatization is crucial before engaging in physical activities.

Moreover, instances of petty crime and drug-related problems might exist in certain neighborhoods of major cities like Lima.

7. El Salvador – 122

This nation was ranked at position 122 on the GPI.

The U.S. State Department advises citizens to reconsider travel to El Salvador due to violent crime, including armed robbery, homicide, and sexual assault which are of concern throughout significant portions of the country.

El Salvador is a relatively safe destination at the time of this article’s publication. El Salvador is known for its gang-related crime. Nevertheless, visitors to El Salvador should be warned that while most conflicts are between gangs and the police, violence can occur anywhere in the country.

El Salvador currently reports its lowest murder rate in more than a decade, which should mean the country is safer than ever.

Latest News from El Salvador:

March 16: The government of El Salvador has increased its efforts to combat gang violence by transferring an additional 2,000 suspected gang members to a maximum security prison in the country.

6. Honduras –…

Read full article: 8 Most Dangerous Countries In Latin America In 2024, According To GPI Data

The post “8 Most Dangerous Countries In Latin America In 2024, According To GPI Data” by Maria Valencia was published on 01/17/2024 by