In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that Prince Harry’s immigration status in the United States could be in jeopardy under the Trump presidency. The Department of Homeland Security has been ordered to release his visa documents, with his application being scrutinized in light of his drug use revelations in his autobiography.
Many are speculating that Prince Harry could potentially face deportation from the US, a move that would undoubtedly cause a major uproar in both the royal family and the public. President Trump, however, has stated that he has no plans to deport Harry, stating that he believes the Prince already has enough problems to deal with, particularly referring to his strained relationship with his wife, Meghan Markle.
The news of Prince Harry’s potential deportation has sent shockwaves throughout the entertainment world, with many wondering what the future holds for the Duke of Sussex in terms of his residency in the US. As the investigation into his visa application continues, only time will tell what the outcome will be for Prince Harry and his status in the United States. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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Video “How Prince Harry’s Immigration Status May Be Impacted Under Trump Presidency” was uploaded on 03/18/2025 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
Im sure I care more about how I'm going to care for my aging parents when nursing homes are five grand a month and I have more debt and a lower wage than the last two generations before me after doing absolutely everything "right" in life
Why won’t people leave this couple alone already. They’re just trying to raise their kids and make a living geez.
Trump already said he wasn't going to be deported. You're too late.
Happy Saint Patrick's day
If Prince Harry goes send Melania behind him.
Just make sure he doesn't do it anymore…..poor Harry!❤ Just go back to where you came from….
POTUS TRUMP'S reasoning is unfair. If creepy Bidonomics says I'll cover this b/c his Daddy holds a high office and poor fellow has family problems, can the Bidon team justify many of their pardons? And is this how it begins to weak their resolve, just saying…. I love POTUS Trump being head of USA, but a Traitor of his own Father and Country is more likely to do same here. Please send pH packing🧳 🧳🧳🧳🧳🧳🧳🧳 ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️
Tootles 👋👋👋👋
Harry throat now give me 5 minutes- sorry your green cards got denied, but can still get you organ doner cards and tickets to Ukraine and they will sure give you some green cards
The Republicans going after Prince Harry is the Heritage Foundation. Same people who are giving us Ptpject 2025.
He deserve anywhere he wants to like he just like us but little different but he laces open up and travel to see how the world is leave the Prince alone!!!!
He could buy the visa like what trump wants the rich people to do
There'd be plenty of nice places for Harry and Meghan to live in the UK. Lucky them, if they get to escape Trumpland.
Prince Harry is white and rich, he'll be ok.
Meghan and Harry stand strong despite the lack of support from the royal family or the institution. Their voices are not defended by Harry’s father, his brother, or Kate Middleton. In a system where loyalty to tradition outweighs personal bonds, Meghan and Harry continue to fight for what they believe in—justice, equality, and making a difference. Their courage speaks louder than the silence surrounding them.
You guys are so gross. It’s not your business..
It’s being released today… he has another problem though, why did H&M’s Archwell Foundation give Ashley Biden $250k? 🤔
Harry and Meghan, always lying. Now I say their favorite word "Accountability"
How bout people worry more bout the current drugs being brought into our country, rather than harrys past drug use. What drugs is he currently bringing into this country to hurt us?
Thank you, President Trump
I think we can all agree , that man has been through the ringer
I don’t agree with his woken policies
But I also don’t agree with the fake news stalking his every move
But on the other hand, I don’t agree with his leave us alone , listen to my podcast theory
And that racist wife of his , it has been told it is a victim, from like knee-high. Fully indoctrinated.
Harry is awful lier!!
I'm waiting to see if he lied
Prince harry abandoned mansion secrets…😮
Oh pleeesseeed, he will never be accountable, he's sleeping like a baby knowing he is a million times protected as always🤮🤮🤮🤮
Trump didn’t want to get involved until Harry and Meg got 43 million from USAID! Now it’s clear they are involved with political business for their own profit. I often wondered why Hilary went to frogmore and why they have a relationship with Newsom and Obama all political problems!?wr don’t need them and whatever trouble they are brewing,
Start with Musk and Melania
Black BOX
It won't be. He can afford that golden ticket Trump is offering to the rich.
Hazbeen is a white person of privilege so Trump won’t touch him.
Prayers to Vanderbeek
What kind of father can be a man who sponsors the use of cannabis, cocaine, and magic mushrooms?
Does he have my diplomatic passports and money
Send him home
Γιατί να εχουν υποστήριξη όλος ο κόσμος μόνοι τους παλεύουν αυτοί τα τρώνε έτοιμα δεν είναι κριμα για τεμπέληδες και ψεύτες
Kate Middleton is passing out flowers, petting dogs, and drinking beer. The Duchess Of Sussex is making crowns out of flowers on her Netflix show, loving her dog on the show, and drinking cocktails to celebrate her new business, yet she is somehow an awful person? Shame on you ET for the way you are portraying these 2 women. This is so racist
Trump has a lot on his plate, and this is a priority Prince Harry's visa card, sorry federal workers that have been wrongly fired from their jobs by a FOREIGNER from South Africa.
You guys are so bought from Murdoch
This will be very very interesting.
Good send XPrince WAH home.
Protected and coddled his entire life, there will come a day when it all falls apart.
This brings up the fact bad a real time proof how brilliant our founders were and how stupid even those who hold the Supreme Court are today! Our founders new that King George could easily send a family member over here and marry an American have a child and that child be an American and then begin to establish the basis of an overthrow in time of America! It’s why the founders believed that the parents of a child must have been born in America, they must be native to
America! Not indigenous! Although indeginous more than qualifies! But to be a native means to have been born by American born parents! Not naturalized or here on visa! But literally born in America. So yes! If Harry lied his visa docs. He will have to leave! Just like a certainLebanese Dr who likes to support Hezbollah.
Just buy the 5 million green card