The highly anticipated fifth generation of mobile networks, known as 5G, has not lived up to the expectations of many consumers. Despite the astronomical levels of hype surrounding its release, 5G has failed to deliver significant benefits and has not even been a major source of revenue for phone carriers. Business Insider Producer Elizabeth McCauley delves into the world of 5G to uncover the truth behind the industry reports and marketing tactics.
In her exploration of 5G, McCauley investigates the reasons behind the hype, the technological advancements of 5G, the divide it has created among consumers, the fears and uncertainties surrounding its implementation, the financial costs associated with the buildout of 5G networks, and the competitive race among phone carriers to roll out the technology. Through interviews with experts and analysis of industry data, McCauley sheds light on the reality of 5G and who truly benefits from its implementation.
As 5G continues to be a hot topic in the tech and business world, it is crucial for consumers to separate fact from fiction and understand the true implications of this new technology. Through the “Truth Complex” series, Business Insider aims to provide viewers with in-depth insights and analysis on complex topics like 5G to ensure that they are well-informed and empowered to make decisions about the future of mobile networks.
Watch the video by Business Insider
Video “You're Being Lied To About 5G | Truth Complex | Business Insider” was uploaded on 03/15/2025 to Youtube Channel Business Insider
I am personally benefitting from T-mobile's 5G. As of about a month ago, for the first time in the 22 years I have owned my house, I am able to get home internet with no data cap. My location is on the outer edges of the tower range for both 4G and 5G so I don't get as much bandwidth from either compared to if I do a speed test in town closer to a tower. That said, my 5G internet is about 10X faster than my 4G was, AND my data doesn't have a monthly cap, AND I'm paying a few dollars less for the unlimited 5G than I was for the data capped 4G. So for me, 5G has lived up to it's basic promise of making high speed internet available to people in rural locations.
For some reason, this came up as a recommended video while I'm on my TMobile 5G network. A truth about 5G which I didn't know that I actually needed. 😅
For general mobile usage like video streaming, video calling or browsing 5G beats 4G hands down simply because of the amount of data you transfer for every burst of data packets.
Kudos to the presenter to have done some proper research and the topics that were covered at a high level rather than getting too technical. 👍🏽
What's anchor's name?
You're Being Lied To About 5G and the one who is telling you about this is the biggest lying machine😂😂
A detailed review. Great work 👍👍
Today I got offer from tmobile for 5g Internet but i have no 5g BTM in area 😂 They want me to pay more just because of 5g 😢
Bout right……= )
Oh look! Another media outlet that has NO IDEA what they're talking about.
Can BI make this video in Spanish? That way my mom can stop sending me videos on FB and WhatsApp telling me 5G and WiFi is killing. Much appreciated.
Reminds me of an older CB just made to use for WiFi lol no real science
But we definitely like 500mbps internet speed
I turned off 5g on my phone over a year ago and just stick with LTE. I get way more consistent speeds.
Damn I actually get excited to see 5G+ instead of LTE , why? 5G just sounds better.
Starlink is a much more revolutionary technology
Layekujjaman 5G data student lion mask emergency lion Moscow
Your constant hand movement is distracting.
Its 4G fiasco all ovee again.
i was super happy with 3g
You need to visit Shenzhen to experience a utilized 5G
Its just fast internet, I had no excitement. 4G was fast enough anyway.
This seems like USA only problem!
Both for people to believe it gives you COVID, to not getting true speed just fake 5G logo and bars cause they had no real 5G hardware when Govt. banned Huawei equipment.
Which is conveniently glossed over by this report.
Please do better!
or 5g is old 4g working properly. that's to scam out money
It’s very different in the UK. In high traffic areas like town centres, supermarkets and sports venues the 5g is real and very good. In lower traffic areas there is usually very good LTE coverage which is fine as there aren’t so many users filling up the bandwidth
A lot of the anti-radiation stickers are actually radioactive and will cause much more harm than doing nothing
Not all smartphones are capable of 5G, even though some admits, they are not fast. 4G is fast but not fast, but there's no difference. 5G requires the sites must be 10x closer than 4G, bad radiation.
for me, living in India, it actually is revolutionary sort of. Unlimited data, speeds more than 100 mbps which was impossible in 4g because of large population
5G is not a scam. It will just take over a decade to build it out. You don't get the benefits unless you can have it in most places and have it on all devices. We just aren't there yet.
Lemme know when 6G comes out
God Verizon is garbage. They are the MAGA of cell phone providers.
Verizon promised 5G in my area. I hardly have LTE. I've never been connected to 5G. TMobile on the other hand…They're the only ones that I've ever actually gotten 5G service and verified through speed tests.
lol, I am 10 minutes from downtown los angeles but getting only 1 bar. Some area, they don't even have cellular coverage, how many lives could have been save with basic coverage ?
Roll out 5G to major cities (considering the density of the population) and continue building strong 4G networks to rural/suburb areas. At this point we shouldn't have dead zones in any populated areas considering you can mount the tech on just about anything high enough from the ground.
5G has turned out to be a blessing in India, because we had some of the slowest 4g speeds out there. Now Jio has standalone 5g with unlimited data, and airtel has non-standalone 5g, which is slightly worse but gets the job done. At least in this country, the floor (how low data speeds can get) has been lifted considerably which is a huge deal for the average person that's travelling.