These Are The Damned, a cult classic from 1963, is a gripping and suspenseful film that follows the story of an American traveler, Simon Wells, who falls in love with Joan, the sister of a menacing motorbike gang leader. Fleeing from the gang’s threats, the couple seeks refuge in a damp cave beneath a military base where they stumble upon a group of abandoned children.
Directed by Joseph Losey, the film stars Oliver Reed as the ruthless gang leader, Macdonald Carey as Simon Wells, and Shirley Anne Field as Joan. As the couple forms a bond with the children, they soon discover that the children harbor a dark and deadly secret that puts them all in danger.
With its unique blend of drama, mystery, and sci-fi elements, These Are The Damned is a thought-provoking and haunting film that explores themes of isolation, manipulation, and the consequences of unchecked power. The performances are stellar, the atmosphere is eerie, and the story will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
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Video “These Are The Damned | FREE MOVIE (Oliver Reed, Macdonald Carey)” was uploaded on 12/07/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
That statue looks like a petrified turd
Great movie, I remember seeing it on tv some years ago on a wet Sunday afternoon i think it was. Even though it was made before my time, i can't help looking at how things were then compared to now, i feel its just another reminder of how our country has gone down the drain. Heartbreaking.
19:38 A better shout would be, "Ba-haw-haw! Eff you ALL!!
17:37 A tense scene that that POOZY Engerlanders wouldn't understand– In the United States, THAT display of knife aggression COULD be dealt with under the olde American maxim: "Don't bring a knife to a gunfight."
Why does Reed's voice oddly change at 17:20?
Mk III Sten Gun at 1 hour 17 minutes. Good stuff, but a pity it wasn't a Sterling.
Vivica Lindfors is gorgeous!
I love looking at the old cars in this film 😅
Id never even heard of this movie. Thanks again Hammer House? Truly bizarre.
That beautiful jaguar 😢
Kenath cope too
Oliver Reed plays a good psycho.
Nice one Havn't seen this for years.And a little known Hammer gem.
They couldn't get a younger Simon?
Weymouth and Portland in the early sixties.
This overlooked film needs to be rediscovered. Original and unique.
Remarkable film, can't believe it isn't more celebrated and known. Amazing piece of cold-war era science gone mad horror/paranoia…and all filmed around Weymouth and Portland!
That English woman can’t act
Oliver Reed steals the show.
At 3:19,, good grief it's DR LEG…?🤫 And at 4:56 its 🙏
Marty from Randell & Hopkirk.
"The Wild One" meets "Chilrden of the Damned"
I'd never heard of this before today, but it's amazing. Kubrickian.
Thoroughly enjoyable and recommended by me. Top story and well done.