Thriller Movie: Fixed

Thriller Movie: Fixed

“Fixed” is a gripping thriller that follows the story of Daz Clemance, a low-level gambler looking to leave behind a life of crime in Birmingham and start anew with his girlfriend in Spain. However, just as he is about to embark on his fresh start, he is falsely accused of fixing a bareknuckle fight in a warehouse. What follows is a night of terror as Daz is brutally beaten, stabbed, and locked away in a cupboard.

Directed by Jez Alsop and written by Ryan Davis, this intense and suspenseful film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The talented cast, including Juice Aleem and Jez Alsop himself, deliver powerful performances that bring the thrilling story to life.

“Fixed” is a must-watch for fans of suspenseful thrillers, as it combines gritty realism with heart-pounding action. The film is a stark reminder that sometimes, even when you try to leave your past behind, it can come back to haunt you in unexpected ways.

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Video “Fixed (Thriller) Full Movie” was uploaded on 12/07/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas